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Management 301 Exam 2 Videos Chapter 4 Chilean Miners o Keep searching for the miners until they are found feeling that they were still alive crisis management use all energy and resources from the start and do not waste a second never lose your faith and hope Hockey Arena Pegula o Enhance the quality of life at Penn State inspire a passion for hockey across the university and the state top destination for training future hockey and figure skating talent still on board to fund and build after scandal hit in 2012 example of problem seeker Hudson Flight 1549 o Captain of flight lands in Hudson lost both engines decision making with captain taking information as a sensor and starts to think about options example of intuitive decision making no one has ever landed in the Hudson before Super Soaker o Tons of space NASA involvement took 7 years to get considered and production models made very expensive compared to other competition no advertising and just sat back to see how things went they sold right away demand couldn t be caught up with made 1 billion in sales Cisco DMAIC o Couldn t get good stories news reporters underutilized saw how to improve readings increase productivity process is about everyone working together at first no one was working as a team led to better ratings and more viewers see what customers viewers want breaking stories and more celebrity interviews Chapter 5 Amusement parks o Walt Disney World viewing attractions planning your day to get to everything you want to see Priorities and The Big Rocks o Put in big rocks in jar then added gravel then soil sand then water the big rocks must be put in first then the next biggest thing and so on or not everything will fit big rocks represent our priorities and we must put our biggest priorities first Shanghai Disney Nordstrom o Groundbreaking ceremony as construction begins in China official launch of Shanghai Disney Resort so much planning goes into building a new park o Customer lost her diamond ring and the staff went out of their way to find it by going through their vacuum cleaners etc done because of employee s values not because she was a customer customer service is exceptional about more than just the person making the sale customer because of customer service The Office Jim Pam Romance o Joking around about gambling Jim says he loves Pam Pam reacts poorly because of their friendship Gulfstream G650 Aerials o Shows off features and luxury iPhone compatible to control the cabin THON Planning o Using every aspect of every room in the BJC storage for dancers floor assembly tons of people doing tons of jobs to set up Chapter 6 Star Wars Episode VII o Bob Iger CEO of Disney bought Lucas Films and Star Wars franchise Inputs cash to make marketing Concurrent start to shoot how to measure what s going on feed people what to do when an actor loses their voice Output how many tickets do we sell DVDs measurement through the process Walt Disney buys Lucas Film o 4 Billion purchase Lucas confident that he left SW in the right hands perfect match of two companies structured similarly Chapter 7 Dunkin International Commercial Dunkin Donuts Lesson o Strong fundamentals product is beloved be people who can get to it franchised based model very small geographic footprint that was expanded dramatically enormous amount of growth still available Baskin Robins was an international sister brand Dunkin Donuts outlines Asia growth plans o Growth to India and China 100s of store in the region this year 100s more to follow Asia has the GDP growth for the expansion very flexible brand core products blended with localized products for each country Dunkin Donuts Measurements o Have to measure everything service quality of products consistency standards that are followed in the US and internationally great training measurement right people in the field unannounced visits must be humble and not egotistical confident in your brand work really hard General Electric Commercial o Helping hospitals treat people better while minimizing time in the waiting room making life more efficient and enhancing machinery DISH Blockbuster Commercial o Blockbuster movie pass unlimited movies living room is movie theater DISH used their purchase of Blockbuster as a repositioning strategy DISH Network buys Blockbuster Video o Building business for bargain price competing against cable companies Direct TV Apple Amazon Netflix everyone all about video on demand subscribers will stick around if they can offer it created cross marketing opportunities Porter and Airlines o Profitability industries airlines at bottom of profitability list 5 forces allows you to understand why nature of rivalry is intense due to price low barriers to entry constantly new airlines coming into play customer is very fickle and price sensitive suppliers can bargain away most of profits GE Rolls Royce AirBus Boeing substitute of driving taking the train shipping supplies by another mode of transportation Rubber Ducky Industry o Grandson is rejected by the rubber ducky industry Porter s 5 Forces are on their team must master 5 forces to get into the market shows examples of the 5 forces

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