Perret on Maori Culture Social Realativism force Individualism you are like no other Maori Culture Indigenous culture of New Zealand come about around 1300 A D and went without outside contact for 600 700 years There is no written philosophy it is based on spoken tradition Cosmology balance between Spiritual and Physical Humans are not gods but play a huge role they have both a spiritual and physical nature All physical things have Tapu dark and dangerous force and Noa healing binding Manu a way of controlling and using Tapu to liberate and supplement Noa Rationalism physical body but essentially a spirit with a soul souls never co mingle meaning Empiricism the world is the way I see it but the real external world is unattainable No separate word for group individual both are one in the same Anti Individualism Maori Pros 1 Strong sense of identification virtue ethics well behaved low crime 2 Collective Responsibility the group takes care of each other 3 Survival strength in numbers Cons 1 Opposition to other groups Tribal Warfare 2 Group Manu insults injuries of one apply to all of the group 3 Group as responsible as the individual group suffers individual s actions
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