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Motivation III subconscious Bold and italics are concepts that I predict Robert Smith will ask on the test A General framework of this chapter B Terminology 1 conscious vs unconscious vs subconscious I bet it must be on the exam comparison points i short term memory awareness vs long term memory ii ease of retrieval Which one can be retrieved How What kind of things can go into subconscious fear frustration guilt C Flows of frustration framework Step 1 influx of frustration energy Where does it go wrong Recall what you learn in Motivation II Growth Needs frustration is stored in the LTM called the pool types of pool frustration guilt fear its solutions and significance on the test i Drive object simply speaking the drive object cannot achieve homeostasis for whatever reasons E g drive object substitute drive object cannot achieve homeostasis Step 2 3 Reaching the maximum level and discharge frustration energy What should we do when that happens Control structure adaptive nondestructive behavior that can discharge frustration defensive structure antisocial maladaptive What are the consequences of control and defensive structure in solving frustration How does is affect the frustration loop add in more frustration and through negative reinforcement it causes punishment which leads to more frustration pouring into the pool D Marketing implications 1 substitute drive object It can be in positive and negative e g gums when you are on diet negative ways ads that relate sex to whiskey E Other psychology concepts 1 Subliminal concepts Just remember subliminal is used to be generally believed to be untrue Current evidence can influence people s judgment choices and behavior One type of priming 2 Priming recently activated concepts or ideas that influence current thoughts choices perceptions and behavior 3 Metaphoric influence

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