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HIS 202 Terms PROGRESSIVES 1 Progressive presidents a Theodore Roosevelt taft Wilson 2 3 Social Justice Social Gospel a Gov t and churches should come together to help the poor a Churches should come together to help society b Church should give to the gov t to help the poor 4 Initiative Submit legislation directly to voters a 5 Referendum a Even after congress passes law in state people must vote afterward 6 Recall a People vote to remove a gov t official 7 American Federation of Labor a Lead by Samuel Gompers i So workers could improve their situation without having to wait on the gov t ii Wanted to improve 1 Limit child labor 2 Workmen compensation laws 3 Limit working hours on women first 4 Improve working conditions 8 Knights of Labor 9 Tammany Hall a Political machine the machine b Recruited thousands of immigrants c Made emergency exit regulations 10 Robert LaFollette Senator from Wisconsin a b Made progressive movements at a national level c d Estates tax Pushed for doubling tax on corporations i Tax on things that have been left behind from people who have died 11 16 th Amendment a 12 17th Amendment Income tax 1913 Wilson 13 18 a Direct election of US senators th Amendment a Prohibition of alcohol 14 19th Amendment 15 21st Amendment a Allowed women to vote a Prohibition repealed 18th 16 W E B DuBois a Developed NAACP 17 Booker Washington 18 Plessy v Ferguson Separate but equal a 19 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NAACP a Use social system to make social change 20 Guinn v US 21 Buchanan v Worley a Grandfather clauses are unconstitutional i If ancestors could not vote you could not vote a White home owner refused to sell house to a black family b Court says violates 14th amendment can t refuse sale of something on race c 22 Temperance 23 Eugenics Can use case to overview transactions a Controlled breeding b Laws against interracial marriage c Had books on creating superior race d Tried to eliminate certain groups of people Scientific experiments e Laws to imprison some people if they do certain things 24 Socialism Lead by Eugene Debs a 25 Walter Lippmann 26 Upton Sinclair 27 Louis Brandeis a The people will never go for straight socialism b So use courts to achieve socialism 28 Theodore Roosevelt 29 Department of Commerce and Labor 30 Square Deal 31 Trust busting 32 Death Tax Estate Tax or Inheritance Tax 33 Interstate Commerce Act 34 Pure Food and Drug Act 35 Meat Inspection Act 36 Conservation 37 Panic of 1907 38 J P Morgan 39 William Howard Taft a b got stuck in the bath tub claim to fame dollar diplomacy 40 Progressive Party 41 Woodrow Wilson substitute dollars for bullets guns for money i ii was progressive saying don t worry about people but about money a Democrat in election 1912 b An epitome of a progressive c A political science professor d Very religious and thought people should imitate him e Had a stroke lots of headaches when he was president he might not have been f fully together Created federal reserve act creates federal reserve in place gold for paper control currency interest rates g he set up commission for free market as in we are going to use the national gov t to see what businesses being run will be acceptable or not h Passed income tax i He wanted to end child labor 1 State didn t want them for nothing but to help work 2 All the money you send to federal govt when he execute the law meaning what states get what he could hold federal aid until being told what to do 42 Federal Trade Commission Act a Prosecute unfair trade in a free market you make a deal then If the govt doesn t agree they will prosecute you in a controlled govt 43 Clayton Antitrust Act a 44 William Jennings Bryan a 1st secretary of state to Wilson b populist democratic 45 Porfirio Diaz a Took over Mexico after the French got kicked out b to make Mexico rich idea was we are going to invite Americans business to set up using there Mexican resources get own profits therefore if they pay taxes in result help build up railroads schools roads bridges etc improve the economy c overthrew diaz and kicked them back to the Americas 46 Mexican Revolution a 1867 May 5th cinco de mayo Mexico kicked the French out and after that happen Mexico gets tired of having all the Europeans controlling them 47 Pancho Villa a Trying to take back Mexico for the Mexicans were a national gov t b began to take over Americans an their workforce by attacking them robbing them c this made Wilson very angry as in you invaded us on out territory As n NOT OKAY 48 General Jack Pershing Punitive Expedition a Pershing invaded Mexico a punitive expedition to capture Pancho b

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