Companion Animals numbers uses locations trends When did pet keeping first become popular in middle class homes Victorian Era What is a pet How do we think about pets possession companionship control rely on you dependent relationship mutual benefit Why do people keep pets Benefits love protection service Costs money time emotional loss relationships responsibility freedom vacation How many and how much of these benefits and costs are culturally determined Pet Keeping in 20th century America 1950 60 of households had pets pet species cats dogs ferrets rodents rabbits horses small ruminants snakes fish spiders Numbers 74 million cats 70 million dogs in households in 2012 research each year In 2009 45 5 billion was spend on pets in the US In 2013 55 53 billion Trends in companion animals over the last 30 years By contrast 2 of americans work in animal agriculture Millions billions of agricultural animals There are 25 26 million of animals used in biomedical increased health care and increasingly sophisticated health technologies medicines surgery procedures foods traveling with pets becoming more popular pet friendly hotels travel gear seat belts portable beds and bowls pet destinations parks tours current trends in companion animal care non animal oriented businesses catering to pets gourmet food companies taxi services home improvement stores clothing stores restaurants cid 127 more pet oriented businesses pet salons doggy day spas at home care services hospice care advanced veterinary care centers rehab centers exotic pets tigers poisionous frogs becoming more popular food companies making more sophisticated and human like foods adding supplements looking more like what people eat Pet products that mirror people products clothing shoes collars bags beds houses cid 127 what matters most affect or utility affect decreased acceptance of companion animal species used in research or farming increased interest in the measurable benefits of pet keeping wider range of species kept as pets cid 127 What does a pet owning household look like income generally higher than average American income structure traditional family husband and wife 2 kids suburbs age head of household is middle aged 40yrs A Dog s life 43 dog owners keep them indoors some of the time 62 keep dogs inside at night 36 percent slept in owners bed Cat s Life 54 households have indoor only cats 63 households keep cat in at night 50 sleep wherever they want 51 sleep in owners bed For Wednesday consider what these trends mean for our understanding of animals How does pet keeping inform our thinking about other animals we have more feelings towards companion animals than research animals companion animals are more deserving of human like objects love for them is more important than their utilitarian use our affection for companion animals species resulted in decreased acceptance for their use in research belief that any animal can be domesticated takes time breeding certain traits businesses marketing to your pets and humanizing them more dehumanizes other animals that are not pets does marketing one group of animals one way change the way we see another animal household pets are more deserving of special services than wild life animals as dogs become treated more and more like people some people think were crossing a line humans treating kids like pets putting leash on them cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 decrease of cosmetic products being tested on animals relating what they would or would not allow treatment of their animals this way so disapprove of this A lot of the products are human like and mirror people products They are marketed towards humans and their affection for their companion animals
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