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Psychology Lecture Notes 8 26 2103 8 28 2013 1 Psychological Science Notes always available Monday thru Friday 9 5 Williams 307 Exams only lecture notes will be covered in exams no recitation material will be covered a The scientific study of behavior and brain processes b Types of psychology i Pychophysiologist brain functions as an electrical circuit ii I O leaders and business c Goal to understand predict and control modify particularly in an ethical fashion helpful to society d Tools i Scientific method is utilized 1 Observe 2 Define the problem a Ex oncologist office observe depressed individual etc a Ex we have not made enough progress in treating cancer but we have in solving nausea Aloxi blocks serotonin b Number 1 depression medicines utilized SSRIs c Less serotonin leads to more depression more violence etc a Ex Aloxi blocks serotonin leading to depression 3 Propose a hypothesis 4 Experimentation 5 Theory formulation a Hypothesis to test theory 1 Ex Asking military men who should be in charge of nuclear weapons leads to the result being military men THIS IS A SAMPLING ISSUE 2 Ex Crawl methods those who don t crawl as much as children have more psychological problems found only in one study Thus those adults who have psychological problems should crawl more THIS IS A REPLICATION ISSUE 3 Ex genetic testing violent killers all had XYY THIS WAS A CONTROL GROUP ISSUE ii Science is never certain can only make probabilities iii Ethical issues 1 Delgado stimulation of the amygdala inhibited amygdala a Stopped a charging bull b Showed that we can adjust behavior with electrical current to the brain 2 Appropriate Design i Identifying bullshit c IS THIS ETHICAL i We decided it was not ethical in violent offenders to cause decrease in activation in the brain to stop violent behavior iv Cloning v Stem cells vi Later this year 1 Social factors 1 Growing human brains is it ethical a Kitty Genovese about 47 people watcher her get killed Murdere left the scene and came back nobody called the police BYSTANDER EFFECT will be discussed 2 Bio Bases of Behavior 3 Organic and psychological very highly related 3 History of psychology a William Wundt first experimental lab in Germany b Mind Body Controversy i free will 1 Science has no free will assumption 2 Monism mind and body are the same thing 3 Dualism there is a separate mind from the body 4 Interactionism the mind will interact with the body for free will c Historically i Aristotle 1 Monism ii Hippocrates 1 Monism iii Galen aka the great physician TO BE WRONG 2 Monism iv Lametrie Man the Machine 1 Hydraulics 2 Monism 1 CSF with air will inflate the muscle and the body will move WAS FOUND v Decartes father of phsychophysiology 1 Interactionism soul will interact happens in the head vi Beliefs will determine what you can see Start to decided what beliefs you have vii Science is a Monistic approach 1 More of a localization issue a Bartholow frontal parietal region exposed in patient applied electrical current to the left right side of body moved b Fritz and Hitzig electrical current to dog brains and cat brains i Top left of brain stimulated cat moved right hind leg c Penfield i Right brain left side negative sinister ii Left brain right side positive 09 03 2013 4 Science of psychology a How do we explain behavior i Reification explanation by labeling 1 Psychology like biology uses taxonomy 2 3 Label does not explain Label does allow us to research by giving us a language with which to communicate 5 Psychology Level of Explanation a Psychology would turn to Biology who turn to chemistry who turn to physicists i However this is not the case ii We cannot look to physics for an absolute explanation b Newton and the apple tree i Gravity things are absolute and mathematic c Einstein i Principle of relativity d Heisenberg s Physics i Uncertainty Principle 1 We can only speak with certainty about that which we have observed a Ex Alpha male monkey urinating on Dr Harrison 2 The very act of observing changes that which is observed a Dr Harrison entering the area affected the monkeys 6 Research terms a Factual statement i Ex many students will do poorly on the exam fact 1 Test anxiety could be root cause 2 Arousal level needs to be similar to study to have better results ii Empirical law 1 Yerkes Dodson law a Performance graph follows a negative hyperbole upside down i Under arousal produces low performance as does over b Reticular Activating System acts like amplifier helps one to U arousal wake up i Downers medicine work on this area of the brain ii Fits the theory looking to say the theory works 1 Another supporting fact of the theory of arousal rats with hypoarousal and hyperarousal 7 Studying behavior a Case History Case Study i Freud utilized this method 1 Ex Anna O suffering from hysteria 2 Ex Case history allows a therapist to label ii Experiment is the ONLY method THAT SHOWS CAUSATION 1 Single subject experiment a Cannot get multiple people only one has problem 2 ABAB Reversal design i A Baseline ii B treatment iii A baseline iv B treatment 3 Multiple Baseline Design a Treat one problem lateral tilt 4 Test method a Aptitude tests states b Achievement tests 5 Survey method a Census b To assure no confounding variables ex weather being well treatment from specialized doctors c We can never be certain but start to show causality i Ex spasmodic torticollis first adjust vertical tilt then i Do not evaluate current state attempt to predict future i Assure aptitude tests are properly predicted 6 Observational method naturalistic observation clinical observation Jane Goodall with primates a b Masters and Johnson with sexual behavior c Observe in natural settings don t manipulate 7 Correlational method more formal measurements than observational shows a relationship between causes but we do not know which comes first WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT CAUSED WHAT CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION a Prediction allows us to predict one variable from level of another i NOT perfect only used to assess LINEAR relationships ii R 1 to 1 if r 1 perfect negative correlation r 1 perfect positive correlation b Scatter plots of data show line of best fit for correlation c DOES NOT SHOW CAUSATION 8 Experimental method allows to determine causality a Manipulate a variable independent variable i Ex rats which side of brain was lesioned b Measure a variable dependent variable i Ex number of times rat ran in circle c Allows causality inference d Must have control groups i Ex

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Virginia Tech PSYC 2004 - Psychological Science

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