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CHAPTER 1 OPPORTUNITIES IN COMMUNITY NUTRITION 5 QUESTIONS Define community community nutrition policy public health entrepreneur intrapreneur Community the book defines community as a grouping of people who reside in a specific locality and who interact and connect through a definite social structure to fulfill a wide range of daily needs Has FOUR COMPONENTS people a location in space including cyberspace social interactions and shared values The scales of community include national regional local and global which can then be specified by ethnic group habits etc Community nutrition a discipline that strives to prevent disease and to improve the health nutrition and well being of individuals and groups within communities Founded on the sciences of epidemiology food nutrition and human behavior The focus of commu nity nutrition focuses on people policy and programs People from different education backgrounds cultures and ages all have access to food in times of need learn or improve their eating patterns Comm nutr ID those with unmet nutritional needs gather info about the group s SES ethnicity religion geographic location cultural food patterns and develop a program service tailor to the group in need Comm nutr are involved in policy when they write letters to state legislators lobby congress ad vice governments use research to influence policy Programs are the instruments used to seek behavioral change to improve nutritional status Can cover a wide range of individuals or be targeted to a specific group tailor to diseases The goal of comm nutr programs is behavioral change Policy a course of action chosen by public authorities to address a given problem Public health Focuses on protecting and promoting people s health through the actions of society Public health initiatives change as the perceptions of the public change Public health has shifted rom financing basic population measures immunization to focusing on achieving universal health services quick responses to new infectious diseases threats Increase in preventative health mea sures Better collab b w public health agencies and organizations that protect the public An effort organized by society to protect promote and restore the people s health via the applica tion of science practical skills and collective actions Topics of concern for public health are chronic diseases and infections diseases HIV tuberculosis American Medical Informatics Association AMIA 1988 aims to lead the way in transforming health care through trusted science education and the practice of informatics Connects the broad com munity of professionals and students Mergers of three organizations American Ass for Medical Systems and Informatics American Col lected of Medical Informatics and Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care Sup ports 5 domains translational bioinformatics clinical research informatics clinical informatics consumer health informatics and public health informatics application of informatics in areas of public health surveillance reporting and health promotion Consumer target groups NHANES Wix nutrition education Nutrition informatics NI effective retrieval organization storage and use of information data and knowledge for food and nutrition related problem solving decision making Biomedical infor matics BMI interdisciplinary field that studies and pursues effective use of biomedical data in formation and knowledge for scientific inquiry problem solving and decision making to improve human health NI has 6 areas of practice community nutrition clinical nutrition consultation business prac tice food and nutrition management education research NI is the intersection of information nutrition and technology Entrepreneur One who undertakes the risk of a business or enterprise Creating something of value through the creation of organization Innovators in both the private and public sectors who embody the spirit and principles of en trepreneurship Intrapreneuer A risk taker whose job is located within a corporation company or other organization Seldom are solely responsible for the financial risk associated with the new venture but they share the same entrepreneurial spirit as their more independent counterparts Seek to better the existing state of affairs within the organization through creative problem solving Differentiate between public health nutrition programs and community nutrition programs with respect to source of program funding Public health nutrition is the application of nutrition and public health to improve or maintain optimal health of population and target groups through enhancements in programs systems policies and en vironments Public health nutritionists are trained in both nutrition and core competency areas of pub lic health They have an advanced level of didactic and experiential training in public health nutrition practice RD or LD and nutritionists ID nutrition related need of a community Plan direct and evaluate promotion disease prevention efforts Administer and manage programs Budget fiscal Grantsmanship Provide therapeutic reha bilitation nutrition services technical assistance consultation to policy makers administrators health agency personnel collab to promote environmental system changes assure access to healthful af fordable food and nutr related care advocate participate in policy development evaluation of im pact and outcomes and participate in research demonstration evaluation of projects Conducted by a government agency federal state provincial territorial county municipal Official mandate is to delivery health services to individuals living in a particular area Community nutrition encompasses interventions focuses on creating changes in knowledge attitudes behaviors and health outcomes either individually or in small groups within a community setting A community nutritionist is trained in preventative therapeutic services within a community setting Training in life cycle nutrition education counseling program development RDs LD nutritionists Community is the broader of the two in the book it is referred to any program whose target is the community Whether the program is funded by the federal government or a private group Conduct and eval nutrition education counseling for small groups and individuals plan implement evaluate primary and secondary prevention interventions provide therapeutic and rehab nutrition services administer programs participate in care coordination case management

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