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Running head COMMUNICABLE DISEASE 1 Communicable Disease HCS 457 COMMUNICABLE DISEASE 2 Communicable Disease Introduction This paper will discuss the two different types of herpes simplex virus type one and type two This paper will show the disease process and how it affects individuals with the disease In the process this paper will show how the public facilities deal with the two types of viruses This paper will give an insight on the treatments prevention that one can learn from Genital Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease STD There are two types of Herpes simplex virus type 1 HSV 1 and type 2 HSV 2 With genital Herpes most individuals show no signs of the disease at all However the Herpes symptoms may be more prevalent in woman than men When the signs do occur they appear as more than one blister around the genital or rectum area This disease is transmitted by way of broken skin or a mucous membrane such as inside the month Each virus can be carried in bodily fluids saliva semen fluid in the female genital tract or in fluid from herpes sores CDC 2009 The risk for infection is highest with direct contact of blisters or sores during an outbreak There are two types of Herpes simplex virus type 1 HSV 1 and type 2 HSV 2 With genital Herpes most individuals show no signs of the disease at all However the Herpes symptoms may be more prevalent in woman than men When the signs do occur they appear as more than one blister around the genital or rectum area This disease is transmitted by way of broken skin or a mucous COMMUNICABLE DISEASE 3 membrane such as inside the month Each virus can be carried in bodily fluids saliva semen fluid in the female genital tract or in fluid from herpes sores CDC 2009 The risk for infection is highest with direct contact of blisters or sores during an outbreak The first signs of an outbreak can appear weeks or even months When the occurrence appears the blister usually break leaving the affected area sore and may take two to four weeks to even heal WEBMD 2005 The absolute way to avoid contracting herpes is to abstain from sexual relations with an affected person If one decides to engage in a sexual monogamous relationship it is best for both people to be tested Others ways that individuals may prevent herpes is to use latex condoms or to take a HSV 2 blood test National trend data on the prevalence of HSV 2 among those aged 14 49 years from NHANES 2005 2008 were compared with NHANES survey years 1988 1994 and 1999 2004 Prevalence decreased from 21 95 CI 19 1 23 1 in 1988 1994 to 17 0 95 CI 15 8 18 3 in 1999 2004 and 16 2 95 CI 14 6 17 9 in 2005 2008 These data along with data from NHANES survey years 1976 1980 indicate that blacks had higher prevalence than whites for each survey period and age group Figure 52 During 2005 2008 the percentage of NHANES survey participants aged 20 49 years who reported a diagnosis of genital herpes was 18 9 CDC 2009 The CDC has come up with a COMMUNICABLE DISEASE 4 strategic plan that is organized around several goals The CDC plans to implement organize structure of their work communicate their priorities of their goal collaborate with external partners The others would include to effect change and then evaluate the effectiveness Incorporate new knowledge with the broad and have everyone be held accountable for their work They ways that the public and private sector can ensure quality health are to encourage patients to get tested for HSV 2 blood test There are a number of resources with regards to herpes and prevention One of the most effective ways that can be done is to educate people to adopt safer sexual behavior including the media and social marketing such as Face book Twitter just to name a few There are medication that can reduce the duration and frequency of herpes outbreaks Currently there is not a cure for the disease Once infected with the disease one can be given antiviral drugs These drugs can be taken in the form of a pill and there are three currently used to treat herpes acyclovir Zovirax famciclovir Famvir and valacyclovir Valtrex Sundquist J 1998 For more severe cases one may be treated with intravenous IV acyclovir They way that individual s deal with the environment varies from one person to another Factors that can affect the way people adapt to a disease or illness determines how they live In some environments there is filtered running water However in poorer countries there is a reduction of nutrition and many may not be able to deal with a disease in that type of environment as well as those who have adequate food housing and water supply Those individuals who are from a poorer background and have insufficient health coverage and are from COMMUNICABLE DISEASE 5 single parent households have a much a harder time than that of their counter parts When taking socioeconomic status into consideration one would look at the lifestyles of the person One is determining if the person is married single or does that person have reasonable employment Is the individual living in adequate housing and the person having a nutritional diet These factors help determine how well the person will be able to manage his her disease Health care professionals would determine if it is a favorable outcome or unfavorable outcome The gaps that I have notice were not the availability of the HSV 2 blood test This should part of one s regular routine check up Also this test is not offered to those wishing to get marries There are so many disease that are so prevalent out there however HSV 1 and HSV 2 can be spread through oral contact or just by simply sharing a lip gloss for females I believe that there is not enough data and education to support the claim Many youth are unaware of the risk involve when it comes to HSV 1 2 Testing and education is key health professional s can encourages healthy behaviors and encourage their patients to get tested Conclusion This paper discuss the many ways to prevent getting herpes simplex disease Through education and public awareness many have options on ways to not get infected With agencies like the CDC we see that they work hand in hand with those health care professionals in the private sectors Finding ways to treat and prevent such diseases REFERENCE COMMUNICABLE DISEASE 6 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC 2009 Genital Herpes Retrieved from http www cdc gov std herpes stdfact herpes htm Sundquist J 1998 The influence of socioeconomic status Retrieved from http ije

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UOPX HCS 457 - Communicable Disease

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