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Exam 1 Identifications who what when where why crops divide profit for a set amount 1 3 or 2 3 usually Sharecropping former slaves had no access to own capital so they work someone s land farmer divided up land at end of year after selling Ridiculous contracts that kept slave like directions from land owner former slaves sign contracts to avoid noise disorderly conduct vulgarity fighting etc often cheated out of shares DEBT PIENAGE couldn t pay off debt based on lies so basically became a slave to that person again rather then being jailed Not an equal balanced of fair relationship exchanging their labor for the use of land house implements and sometimes seed and fertilizer Sharecroppers typically turned over half of their crops to the landlord Map 15 2 In a credit starved agricultural region that grew crops for a world economy sharecropping was an effective strategy through which laborers and landowners shared risks and returns But it was a very unequal relationship given sharecroppers dire economic circumstances Starting out penniless they had no way of making it through the first growing season without borrowing for food and supplies Black Codes put planters back in control of everything African American can t met in groups cant own a gun cant be drunk in public Blacks have to show working contract Twilight zone between slavery and freedom Local state ordinances Laws passed by southern states after the Civil War that denied ex slaves the civil rights enjoyed by whites intending to force blacks back to the plantations Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 during Gold Rush Barred Chinese laborers from entering the United States Each decade thereafter Congress renewed the law and tightened its provisions it was not repealed until 1943 Exclusion laws barred entry of almost all Chinese women forcing husbands and wives to spend many years apart when men took jobs in the United States Some immigrants made vigorous use of the courts to protect their rights a lot in California extended to all Asians foundation for other immigrants exclusions William F Buffalo Bill Cody in his traveling Wild West performances enacted a revenge killing of the Cheyenne warrior Yellow Hand in a tableau that Cody called first scalp for Custer Notwithstanding that the tableau featured a white man scalping a Cheyenne Cody depicted this as a triumph for civilization in the West Buffalo Bill Birth of a Nation portrayed kkk as saving the south portrayed slavery as happy time and they loved their master president Woodrow Wilson public praise a popular film that glorified the Reconstruction era Klan post civil war us house of reps for PA republican defended and supported native American Thaddeus Stephens wanted equality and opportunity for all radical republican during reconstruction battled for freedmen s rights and insisted on stern requirements for readmission of Southern states into the Union after the Civil War 1861 65 Helen Hunt Jackson rasied in new England as an abolitionist and advocate for women s suffrage wrote a century of dishonor to talk about America s mistreatment of native Americans cheating robbing and breaking promises made to Indians wanted to fix this with statesmanship philanthropy and Christianity Indians had right to the pursuit of happiness Dawes Severalty Act 1887 Indian reservation system attempted to main stream Indians land they were given per family was not enough to support family gov t holds land for 2 years then you can own it give Indians ownership of land by dividing reservations into homesteads supports thought it would encourage Indians to adopt white ways was a disaster played right into hands of whites Indian land dropped from 155 to 77 millions acres Barbed wire Vertical integration Joseph Gilden made barbed wire easy mass produced fencing that allowed people to farm the great plains by making less expensive kept cattle from roaming eating crops it when a firm gains control of every step of production and distribution Gustavus swift started this in Chicago slaughterhouses A method employed by companies to control the cost of production by gaining ownership of all parts of the manufacturing process from raw materials through transportation and marketing Carnegie ad Rockefeller succeed with this too retailing wholesaling wholesaling manufacturing processing processing extraction Eugene V Debs became a socialist rounded up and thrown in jail for ten year Roosevelt was not the only rebel on the ballot in 1912 The major parties also faced a challenge from charismatic socialist Eugene V Debs In the 1890s Debs had founded the American Railway Union ARU a broad based union that included both skilled and unskilled workers In 1894 amid the upheavals of depression and popular protest the ARU had boycotted luxury Pullman sleeping cars in support of a strike by workers at the Pullman Company Railroad managers claiming that the strike obstructed the U S mail persuaded Grover Cleveland s administration to intervene against the union The strike failed Along with other ARU leaders Debs served time in prison The experience radicalized him and in 1901 he launched the Socialist Party of America Debs translated socialism into an American idiom emphasizing the democratic process as a means to defeat capitalism By the early 1910s his party had secured a minor but persistent role in politics Knights of Labor Wantd to abolish child labor and convict labor to save work for themselves Started by tailors in Pennsylvania Focused on education 1869 The most important union of the late nineteenth century the Knights of Labor was founded in 1869 as a secret society of garment workers in Philadelphia In 1878 when the Greenback movement was reaching its height Knights from Ohio Pennsylvania Michigan and other states served as delegates to Greenback Labor conventions Like the Grangers the Knights believed that ordinary people needed control over the enterprises in which they worked They proposed to set up factories and shops owned by employees transforming America into what they called the cooperative commonwealth In keeping with this broad based vision the order practiced open membership irrespective of race gender or field of employment though like other labor groups the Knights excluded Chinese workers The Knights had a strong political bent They believed that only political action could bring about many of their goals such as government regulation of corporations and mandatory arbitration of strikes The Knights

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