BSCI493 Course Review Day 1 1 4 12 01 04 2013 alkaloid ring structure containing nitrogen responsible for compounds of poisonous plants present for protection has a bitter flavor ASA from willows Discovered by Bayer the dose makes the response first chemicals found were water soluble because of the lack of organic solvent knowledge most compounds are non heat labile Red Tie algae dysfunctions and produces poisonous compound Ingested by oysters shellfish and by humans toxic Mahoung ephedra Used in weight loss supplements causing cardiac events Used in combination with caffeine in weight loss supplements o Synergistic effects with ephedra Increasing blood pressure and thermogenesis Patients die from unidentified heart conditions Alternative vs Complimentary Medicine 60s office of alternative medicine opened at NIH Gingko old tree Told to improve memory not proven IS an effective blood thinner Clinicaltrials gov Toxic Fungi mycotoxins field of study alfatoxins Most carcinogenic naturally occurring toxin Found in peanut butter Damages liver o If control mode of growth of peanuts can control amount of alfatoxins Developed burlap bags and placed peanuts in these bags and hung from trees found to minimize alftatoxins Most often people will blame any adverse effects on the food they ate Low authenticity of drug interactions Risk Analysis Appropriate Technology Psychotropic Reactions Drug Herb Interactions Contraindications Day 2 1 7 13 example power point cancer gov history collection processing adulterant material that has been added to a product sometimes proved to have poisonous effects sometimes contaminants presented through improper storage when travelling ex fungal contamination analytical information whats there and how do they identify whats there ex HPLC contraindications include in power point Chemicals Found in Plants Alkaloids Alcohols Carbohydrates Saccharides Glycosides o Cyanogenic glycosides o Steroid glycostides Cardiac glycosides Saponins o Proteins Proteinaceous compounds ex resin super toxic from castor bean o Polypeptides o Amines Phenolics Salicylic acid Coumarins Terpenoids Toxic Compounds We ve only discovered 1 2 of the total toxic compounds Located in leaves of plant At time of day with highest amount of photosynthesis concentration of toxicity peaks Human interactions with plant Gut flora will increase decrease toxcitiy depending on toxin How difficult to ingest a toxic dose Must ingest a LOT for toxic effects o Sometimes bitter toxic taste can be hidden by other flavors o Heat labile toxins lost through heating Where do toxic effects occur o Esophagus o Stomach GI NOT lungs History of Medicine After religious era drank potions of crushed plants Chinese medicine eating entire plant Better than just eating the leaves because you get all of the chemicals Pills Penicillin Fleming London dish Tetracycline o Growing fungi in petri dish o With window open PCN spores flew in and landed on petri Turning to Medicinal Plants Losing trust in doctors Online websites Cheaper natural is good back to natural state Alternative Complimentary Medicine Alternative is no longer used as a term we now use complimentary Day 3 1 8 13 Shennung 365 plant medicines 2700 BC o Efedra o Resins castor oil o Papeverine poppy Ebers Papryus 1500 BC o Magic superstition Hipocrates 460 BC Discussed what they were used for First record where plants were looked at for toxicity o Bodily fluids one contains blood bile and how they had to be in balance with eachother No talk of plants o balance Keep body in good condition Theophrastas Dioscorides o Started classifying plants o Described 600 plants and cultivation and harvest Drug preparation o Illustrated the plants in color o Wrote the book demateria medica Dark Ages magic and superstition goblins Worked with wormwood 15th century printing press o Disease resulted by flying venom given off by elves and William Turner described 200 native English species and medicinal uses complete with drawings o Information duplicated and sent from country to country o Accumulating information about plants William Withering o An account of the foxglove and its medical uses o First true scientific account of the use of a folk medicine o Tried different doses o Researched heart disease Another name for plant digitalis Article included drawings Digitialis encouraging heart beat causing individual to excrete urine normally Provided before and after pictures 1800 1900s isolated pure drugs o morphine 1816 o strychnine 1817 o atropine 1819 o quinine and colchicine 1820 Bayer 1899 o ASA MOST Important occurrence 1966 most of the compounds are alkaloids o phone survey in US do you use any alternative medicine If so how much did you spend what did you take found people were using alternative medications as a result office of alternative medicine at NIH formed prayer hands on therapy acupuncture Alkaloids Ring structure with Nitrogen atom o Found typically in angiosperms More common in certain families then in certain species First discovered nicotine 1803 Opium and morphine Strychinine Colchicine Variable solubility properties Multiple roles in addition to providing protection against predators Proved to have antioxidant properties Or just present by chance vary during the day tie up oxygen with antioxidants o poppy goes up during sunlight decreases at night o chincona bar treatment of quinine vary upon presence of ultraviolet light o may vary by chance break down very slowly Effects o Depressants Morphine Scopolamine eye dialation anti motion sickness o Stimulants Caffeine Affect involuntary muscle system and CNS Efedra stimulate heart rate Yohumbine Viagra effects to increase sexual drive male aphrodisiac o Anesthetics Cocaine o Anti tumor agents Product of periwinkle plants Vinblastine Alcohol Contains one or more hydroxyl groups Water hemlock Carbohydrates Carbon hydrogen oxygen Saccharides o Anti inflammatory o Anti coagulates o Anti tumor o Anti viral Glycosides o A molecule containing a sugar and nonsugar o Cyanogenic glycoside glycoside containing cyanide Cyanide dangerous because prevents uptake of oxygen Cyanosis At least 50 different kinds Found in rose family roseaces Found in apple seeds and pits of apricots Found to have no anti cancer properties at all Found in cherry lawl shrub Also found in roots of cassava plants manihot yucca like potato o Steroid glycoside Glycoside with steroid Cardiac glycoside digitalis Causes muscles of heart to strengthen Heart
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