Chapter 4 Documenting Information Systems TRUE FALSE 1 Flowcharts are commonly used in financial audits business process reengineering and security review engagements 2 Data flow diagrams portray a business processes activities stores of data and flows of data among those elements 3 Data flow diagrams present a comprehensive picture of the management opera tions information systems and process controls embodied in business processes 4 A data flow diagram is a graphical representation of a system which depicts the system s components data flows and the sources destinations and storage of data 5 System flowcharts use only four symbols 6 Systems documentation is used to understand explain evaluate and improve complex business processes information systems and internal controls 7 In a data flow diagram a bubble symbol shown below depicts a function or a process within which incoming data flows are transformed into outgoing data flows 8 The advantage of a physical data flow diagram versus a logical data flow diagram is that we can concentrate on the functions that a system performs 9 In a data flow diagram a square represents an internal entity 10 In a data flow diagram two parallel lines represent the data store symbol ANS T ANS T ANS F ANS T ANS F ANS T ANS T ANS F ANS F ANS T ANS F ANS F ANS T ANS F ANS T ANS T ANS T ANS T ANS F 11 The following symbol represents general purpose input output 12 In a data flow diagram the following symbol represents a computer process 13 The following symbol represents a manual process 14 The following symbol represents a disk 15 The following symbol represents a paper file 16 The following symbol represents a computer process 17 In a data flow diagram an external entity symbol portrays a source or a destina tion sink outside the system 18 A context diagram is the top level diagram in a series of data flow diagrams rep resenting an information system and it shows the flows into and out of the sys tem of interest and into and out of external entities 19 Internal entities are those entities inside the system that send data to or receive data from the system 20 Internal entities are those persons places or things outside our system that send data to or receive data from our system 21 An external entity is a person place or thing within the system that transforms 22 A physical data flow diagram uses bubbles to specify where how and by whom a system s processes are accomplished 23 When the context diagram and the level 0 diagram reflect the equivalent external data flows the two diagrams are said to be balanced 24 The successive subdivision or exploding of logical data flow diagrams called bot tom up partitioning 25 A systems flowchart is a graphical representation of both the physical and logical features of an information system 26 Processes that handle other than normal situations are called exception routines 27 Information processing activities including retrieving data from a file transform ing data or filing data 28 An acceptance stub is a data flow that leaves a bubble but does not go to any other bubble or file and indicates processing that is performed in other than nor mal situations 29 In an enterprise system we would have one data store disk symbol that would be labeled enterprise database instead of two or more data store symbols 30 When we convert to an enterprise system reengineered processes often result from the installation and can cause changes throughout the systems flowcharts ANS F data ANS F ANS T ANS T ANS F ANS T ANS T ANS T ANS F ANS T ANS T MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 A symbol used in data flow diagrams to depict an entity or process within which incoming data flows are transformed into outgoing data flows is a n 2 A data flow diagram could contain each of the following symbols except 3 Which of the following data flow diagram symbols is represented by two parallel 4 Which data flow diagram symbol portrays a source or destination of data outside 5 Which data flow diagram symbol is usually portrayed with a circle data flow symbol external entity symbol bubble symbol file symbol a bubble or circle a non square rectangle a square a curved line with arrow head data flow symbol external entity symbol sink symbol file symbol data flow symbol external entity symbol bubble symbol file symbol data flow data store external entity process bubble ANS C ANS B lines ANS D the system ANS B a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d 6 Which data flow diagram symbol is usually portrayed with a square 7 Which data flow diagram symbol is usually portrayed with an arrow 8 In data flow diagrams describing the accounting information system of a manu facturing company the company s bank is most likely represented as a n 9 In data flow diagrams describing the accounting information system of a consult ing firm a customer is most likely represented as a n 10 In data flow diagrams describing the accounting information system of a medical practice a patient is most likely represented as a n data flow data store external entity process bubble data flow data store external entity process bubble data flow data store external entity process bubble data flow data store external entity process bubble data flow data store external entity process bubble ANS D ANS C ANS A ANS C ANS C ANS C a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d 11 In data flow diagrams describing the accounting information system of a medical practice a patient is most likely represented as a n 12 Those entities which perform no information processing activities for the system data flow data store external entity process bubble external entities internal entities boundary entities environmental entities bubble symbol external entity symbol data flow symbol file symbol logical data flow diagram systems flowchart context diagram physical data flow diagram data flow data store external entity internal entity 13 Which symbol can be either an entity or a process depending on the type of DFD 14 Which of the following is the least detailed of the data flow diagrams 15 In a physical data flow diagram this is something within the system that trans forms data 16 In a physical data flow diagram a bubble or circle could be used to specify each of the following except ANS C are called a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d ANS A ANS A ANS C ANS D 17 Which type of data flow diagram specifies where how and by whom a system s processes are performed where a process is performed how a process is performed by whom a
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