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Juvenile Justice Based on the principle of parens patriae state as a parent protector of those who cannot protect themselves The concept that laid groundwork for the development of juvenile justice system Periods of juvenile justice developments in the U S causes and influences impacts on the juvenile justice The Puritan Period 1646 1824 Causes and influences puritans view children as evil economically marginal agrarian society Impacts symbolic standard of maturity support for family as economic unit Refuge Period 1824 1899 Causes and influences enlightenment immigration and industrialization Impacts child seen as helpless in need of state intervention Juvenile Court Period 1899 1960 causes and influences reformism and rehab ideologies increased immigration urbanization large scale industrialization impacts juvenile court institutionalized legal irresponsibility of child Juvenile Rights Period 1960 1980 causes and influences criticism of the juvenile justice system on humane grounds civil rights movements by disadvantaged groups impacts movement to define and protect rights as well as to provide services to children Crime Control Period 1980 2005 causes and influences more conservative public attitudes and policies focus on serious crimes and repeat offenders impacts system more formal punitive increased percentage of police referrals to court incarcerated youth stay for longer periods Kids are Different 2005 present causes and influences Roper vs Simmons 2005 court ruled that execution as a punishment was unconstitutional for crime committed if person was under 18 years of age ruled that children were less culpable than adults because they were less mature emotionally as well as neurologically scientific evidence on youth s biological emotional and psychological development impacts recognition that juveniles are less capable than adults in many regards Extent of juvenile crime most common arrests are for what type of crimes isn t larceny theft most common yes of arrests are for Part 2 offenses assaults drug abuse violations liquor law violations disorderly conduct curfew and loitering Trends in juvenile violence property crime and drug crimes over time crime peaked in the 1990s but has been decreasing ever since currently have the lowest amount of juvenile violent crime that violent crimes has ever been recorded property crime has been decreasing consistently ever since the 1960s my notes said decline after 1988 should say 1998 drug crime curve has increased generally since the 1960s peaked in the 1990s but has since dropped slightly and began to level off Facts about juvenile crime seriousness prevalence compared to gender adult race and versatility adults juvenile adult differences more juveniles committing crimes than adults juvenile victimization juveniles more often victims than adults higher percentage of crimes committed are violent gender males commit more crimes than females race highest juvenile crime increase over past 30 years white males arrests are much higher for African Americans lower socio economic backgrounds have higher arrest rates self reported crimes the gap is much smaller between the races versatility does not matter what crime that they engage in they commit all sorts of crimes theft assault drug crimes types in the juvenile justice system Case criminal 75 delinquent most are delinquent crimes violent crime property crime drug crime PINS status offenders 20 persons in need of supervision underage drinking curfew violations smoking underage non criminal 25 dependency guardian is not in condition to take care of child neglect guardian has the ability to take care of child but does not adoption status offenses crimes that are not illegal if committed by an adult thats under PINS i thought and considered a criminal case but they just don t go to jail for it Types of juvenile dispositions probation 62 custodial care public or private facilities 22 of delinquent dispositions community treatment eg foster homes 15 alternative dispositions Facts about juvenile transfer text and discussion Corrections options for juvenile offenders and how they are used dangerous gang Documentary on MS 13 Why is MS 13 considered the world s most Extremely violent heavy and fast recruiting ties to El Salvador and quick spread through Los Angeles and now most of the U S Explain the origins of MS 13 How did it grow so quickly Originated in Los Angeles after immigrants fled from the El Salvador civil war It grew quickly through younger kids and people wanting protection and power Member of the gang were deported back to El Salvador and with no policing they were able to recruit new members What effect does prison and US immigration policy have on the growth of the gang around the world especially in Central American countries Members consider prison a training They are taught proper gang code and techniques from high ranks in the prison system Immigration policy deported them back to Central America where they recruited new members taught and spread MS 13 Technology and Justice Traditional NCIC NLETS databases used to look up shit TRUEEEE Maryland Miles METERS MVA Police records Innovation in records management Sharing of information NCR LyNX Fingerprinting on cards with ink Modern police Records RMS CAD Systems Data entry by officers and dispatchers into system History on people location Access to current and historical data Benefits E Tix Saves time money Automated Immediate driver history Fusion centers MCAC Analysis and distribution of information National regional and local info Electronic Fingerprinting Sent directly to state Better quality Video Surveillance License Plate Readers Alerts Reports Guest Lecture regarding Police and Technology o Major differences between traditional and modern police technology o Examples of modern technology e g video surveillance electronic fingerprints E Tix fusion centers etc o Examples of communication sharing across jurisdiction and importance o M Urgency Cyber crime involves the use of computers and the internet to commit acts against people property public order or morality illegal downloading of software music videos and other copyrighted material identity theft offenders use internet to disseminate child pornography to advertise sexual services or to stalk the unsuspecting FBI s national computer crime squad lists its responsibilities as intrusions of the public switched network the telephone company major computer network intrusions

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UMD CCJS 100 - Juvenile Justice

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