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What are the purposes of public health surveillance How are they implemented and utilized by communities governmental agencies and health care organizations or providers Public health surveillance refers to methods of collecting public health data This collected data contributes to evidence based public health The text from chapter 3 describes the importance of using the compiled data to create summary measurements of a health group or population The data is collected in many ways by different organizations to create a database and determine measurements like infant mortality rate and life expectancy The types of reporting are single case or small series statistics surveys self reporting sentinel monitoring and syndrome surveillance This information is used for health care providers and organizations to make decisions about public health care Patients must be informed in order to make their own decisions about their health care Decisions are based on percentages of how likely a disease might occur how important and how soon the chances of any given outcome will occur Community public health clinics health care providers and organizations use the collected data to assist in decision making analysis The Centers for Disease Control CDC provides flu surveillance data weekly on the CDC website during peak flu season I know that my current employer and previous employers would distribute them weekly via email The CDC surveillance categories for seasonal flu are Viral Outpatient Illness Mortality Hospitalization Geographic Summary in the Unites States References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention n d Overview of Influenza Surveillance in the United States Retrieved from http www cdc gov flu weekly overview htm University of Phoenix 2010 Public Health 101 Chapter 3 Health Informatics and Health Communications Retrieved from University of Phoenix HCS 457 website Response 2 Epidemiologic surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection analysis and interpretation of health data essential to the planning implementation and evaluation of public health practice closely integrated with the timely dissemination of these data to those who need to know The final chain is the application of these data to prevention an control A surveillance system includes a functional capacity for data collection analysis and dissemination linked to public health programs http epirev oxfordjournals org content 10 1 164 extract Purposes of public health suveillance is to assess public health status define public health priorities evaluate programs and stimulate research When I opened up the State of Florida Department of Health website they had an Epidemiology tab which shows what diseases are reportable For example Hepatitis B C D E and G http www doh state fl us chdBrevard epi Reportable Diseases 12 2008 pdf

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UOPX HCS 457 - Public health surveillance

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