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Corrections Chapter 8 Notes 1 Definitions a Parole The conditional release of a prisoner prior to completion of the imposed sentence under the supervision of a parole officer b Discretionary Release Early release based on the paroling authority s assessment of eligibility 2 Historical Overview c Mandatory Release Early release after a time period specified by law d Pardon An executive act that removes both punishment and guilt i Rooted in the 18th century English penal practice of indentured servitude ii From 1775 through 1856 English offenders were sent to Australia iii Captain Alexander Maconochie ticket of leave system b Development of American People i First parole legislation Massachusetts 1837 ii First parole program implemented at New York s Elmira Reformatory late 1870s iii Wickersham Commission 1931 4 essential elements of a good parole iv program In the 1970s research found that prison rehabilitation programs had few positive benefits 1 Martinson What works 3 Reentry a The process of transition that offenders make from prison or jail to the community b Nearly 2 000 offenders leave prison every day c Reentry issues i Employment ii Housing iii Health iv Reentry programs 4 Granting Parole i Nature of the offense ii Prior criminal record iii Institutional record iv Parole program d Types of Parole a Paroling authority a person or correctional agency parole board parole commission that has the authority to grant revoke and discharge from parole b Parole eligibility date the earliest date on which an inmate might be paroled c Decision factors i Mandatory parole requires the correctional authority to grant parole after the inmate serves specific period of time as required by law Most commonly used method ii Discretionary Parole the decision to parole rests with a parole board or parole commission who reviews a case to determine whether they believe the prisoner is ready to be returned to the community 5 Characteristics of Parolees a Parolee a person who is conditionally released from prison to community supervision b Year end 2012 815 200 adults were on parole in the U S AR 23 000 c Women make up 12 of parolees d Typically white non Hispanic male on mandatory parole one year e Median age of a parolee is 34 with an 11th grade education f Civil Death 6 Effectiveness of Parole a 2 3 arrested in 3 years i 30 within first 6 months of release b Approximately complete terms of parole c Arkansas Act 570 d Opposition to parole 7 Ending Parole

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