History 150 1 History 150 Dr Richard Neel Operation Magic ID Operation that was set up to interpret Japanese codes during WWII We have the ability to decipher the messages but Pearl Harbor still happened because there weren t Pearl Harbor Attacked by the Japanese this is the event that draws America into the war enough people working on it December 7 1941 Peral Harbor Hirohito Emperor of Japan during WWII St Louis ID A ship that leaves Germany after the Night of the Broken Glass 900 Jews are aboard looking for asylum heading for Central America They were turned away and head to Miami Turned away and then forced to go back to Europe Greeted by Nazis taken straight to the concentration camps or they use what money they have to buy their way into France Tokyo Napalm The Babies Have Been Delivered Truman receives notice that the Atomic bomb has successfully been tested at the Potsdam Conference Manhattan Project The atomic bomb program code name for the development project Hiroshima and Nagasaki The two cities that are hit by the Atomic bombs August 8 1945 When the Soviet Union declares war on Japan Treaty of Portsmouth Ends the 1904 1905 Russo Japanese war in Portsmouth NH Japan and Russia were at war Japan wanted land and they get some of what they want but Japan still walks away mad example of appeasement Munich Conference Peace in our time Takes place in Munich Germany involves Germany Great Britain France and Italy agree to surrender the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia Prime History 150 2 Potsdam Conference FDR NOT present Truman Stalin Churchill later replaced by Richard Atlee meeting to discuss agreements reached at Yalta Right before the end of the war Truman got confirmation that the atomic bomb was successfully tested Potsdam declaration says that if Japan doesn t surrender they will face prompt and utter destruction occurred in Atlantic Charter 1941 FDR not Churchill They are developing their war goals meeting in Newfoundland 8 major points that come out of this self determination of all people equal access to raw materials economic cooperation freedom of the seas collective security and Tehran Conference 1943 FDR Churchill and Stalin Plan the war against Germany fighting out the plans Post war cooperation in the UN also where Stalin promises to enter the war against Japan after Germany was defeated Meeting in Iran Casablanca Conference Takes place in French Morocco FDR and Churchill unconditional axis disarmament surrender Moscow Agreement Meeting in Moscow Churchill and Stalin leads to the Cold War Churchill tells Stalin he can have whatever her wants after the war Lets Stalin know the US and England is okay with the Soviet controlling part of Eastern Europe Stalin is mad because it takes away his negotiating power after the war Yalta Conference Crimea in Soviet Union Churchill FDR and Stalin agreed to a 4 power occupation of Germany Founding conference for the UN is scheduled to happen later that year Reiteration that the Soviet Union will enter the war against Japan and guarantees a representative government in Poland doesn t actually happen Warsaw Pact Mutual defense agreement the opposite to NATO Bound signatories to support and come to the aid of each other militarily if aggression arises History 150 3 Peace in our time After the conference Churchill goes back with a paper and says I hold in my hand a peace in our time He does this because he thinks he finally made Hitler happy ironically enough WWII breaks out less that a year later Cold War The political and economic struggle between the capitalists democratic western powers and the communist bloc after WWII Marked by massive military build ups intensive economic competition and hostile diplomatic relations Marshall Plan US policy to help rebuild Europe after WWII US gives money to countries if they promise not to be communist USA Recognition of Russia 1917 1933 the US does not recognize Russia as a legitimate country in 1933 the Russian economy is the only one that is growing during the Great Depression so we recognize them for our own good Ike Eisenhower Pushes the policies of containment the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan Nikita Khrushchev Russian leader after Stalin Relations between US and Russia thawed during the Cold War He was part of the Cuban missile crisis Truman Doctrine Policy of Containment Providing aid to Greece and Turkey John Foster Dulles American comes up with the Mutual Defense Pact Secretary of State under Eisenhower Said the containment policy was too passive Liberation Idea of rolling back communism instead of just containing it Hungary Rebellion Containment Truman Doctrine keeping communism where it is not letting it spread anymore Red Scare ID McCarthyism during the 1950 s American are terrified that communists will take over Causes Russians get the atomic bomb early China falls to communism and the Korean war History 150 4 Massive Retaliation If you get out of line we will nuke you Never going to happen the US was never going to use the atomic bomb on Russia The threat of the bomb was a big enough deterrent More Bang for A Buck or More Rubble for a ruble With the atomic bomb you can destroy more for less money As technology and efficiency progressed we could make better and more destructive bombs for the same amount of money same went for Russia Brinkmanship John Foster Dulles He believes that the communists are evil and the capitalists are good If good and evil fight evil will back down if you bring communists to the brink of war they will back down first what Kennedy uses in Cuban Missile Crisis Cuban Missile Crisis USSR wants to put missiles in Cuba and the US doesn t want it to happen because then Russia will be able to attack the US US creates a blockade around Cuba and keeps Russia out leading them to back down looks like a huge victory for Kennedy but later it comes out that they both gave in a little bit the US had to remove our missiles from Turkey Marxist Destiny Speech given by Stalin saying that he is going out to spread communism around Iron Curtain Response to Marxist Destiny Comes from a speech Churchill gives saying that and iron curtain has descended upon Europe Western capitalist and Eastern communist are the world separated National Security Act Reformats government to combat communism Department of Defense CIA and National Security Council Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State National Security Council Coordinate defense and foreign policy for the US
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