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GESCHICHTE 150 Wednesday October 23 2013 OUTLINE Wartime Experiences The Home Front Facets of total war 1 Sample government posters addressed to civilians 2 Women s war work a Women s work in munitions in Britain nearly 1 million women were employed in this essential war work conditions of work handout 3 The Food Situation in Germany a January 1915 food rationing began with the rationing of bread 5lbs of war bread a week 80 flour 20 potato starch the bread ration decreased over the course of the war Other foods were rationed situation in 1918 handout Weather conditions in the fall of 1916 destroyed almost 1 2 of the potato crop the winter of 1916 1917 became known as turnip winter Consumption of alternative meats handout Ersatz substitute food an ersatz breakfast handout By the end of the war the dire food situation in Germany led to the death of nearly 3 4 million German civilians Total War 1 War posters NOTES Images government posters calling upon the people Common themes The power of the money given to buy bonds crushes the enemy soldiers Women called upon by the country to do their service as well Britain France Lend your five shillings to your country and crush the Germans On her their life depends women depicted with soldier Shells made by the wife may save the husband s life For France pour out your Gold Gold fights for victory Marianne holding French flag and holding up a sword linking civilians to the war effort by buying war bonds GESCHICHTE 150 Wednesday October 23 2013 America Germany Beat back the Hun with Liberty Bonds Hun as slang for Germans German women work in the Home Army Deutsche Frauen arbeitet im heimat armee 2 Women s work in the war a Most important job was making munitions i Britain nearly 1 million women were at work doing munitions ii Typically a man s job skilled work exclusive to men b Expected to work at home while their husbands and families were away at war c Prior to war women and families were malnourished i Canteen menu introduced at work 1 Sausage and mash potatoes 2 1 3 pence 2 Mince and mash ground beef 2 pence 3 Beans 1 pence 4 Stewed fruit 1 pence 5 Pudding 1 pudding ii Were expected to eat at work to prevent drinking at pubs for both men and women d Beatrice Lee munitions worker from Leeds said i It was a very happy life It was very sad about the lads getting killed and all that but as far as the work conditions it was a very appy life It really was appy I enjoyed being there Image photograph Image photograph Image photograph Image postcard Women filling shells with highly toxic materials TNT poisoning small scale explosions 300 1 000 women died from exposure to the chemicals or from accidents Women eating in a cafeteria at the factory sample menu provided in notes above Young women smiling laughing holding one another in the midst of war Comment women s expenditures might include artificial dentures Young women sitting on a bench next to a humanized carrot Desperation during food shortage fantasizing about food GESCHICHTE 150 Wednesday October 23 2013 3 Food situation in Germany of 1919 a The Allied forces will set up a naval blockade against Germany fall of 1914 summer b Prior to World War I Germany imported roughly 1 3 of its food supply c January 1915 food is rationed first i 5lbs of bread per person every week Kriegbrot war bread ii Mid 1916 bead ration dropped to 2lbs per week iii Other foods are rationed 1 Meat sugar butter fats potatoes iv Extremely low on protein d Weather conditions cold rainy fall 1 2 potato crop was wiped out i People forced to consume turnips as an alternative considered animal food e Ersatz i Substitute foods made of improvised materials 1 Bread made with sawdust 2 Eggs made with INDISTINGUISHABLE YELLOW POWDER

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BSU HIST 150 - Wartime Experiences: The Home Front

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