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How to formulate a paper topic document on elms Sociological research methods and studying human animal relations what time period represented the most pivotal turn for modern renaissance present western society s consideration of how it treated animals Top Hat I answered Victorian Era because emergence of animal welfare beginning of modern pet keeping darwin s influence origin of species debates over the use of animals in research 1950 to present animal rights major social movements ask tough questions about how we treat others Sociological Research Methods cid 127 Quantitative to observe surveys social experiments artifact analysis large sample sizes talk broadly about populations cid 127 Qualitative to describe open ended interviews participant observation artifact analysis look at focused group of people Structuring the research process exploring the known universe literature review initial observations hypothesis ex Tophat discussion look up how animal shelter workers cope with euthanasia conclusions and areas for future research make sure you answer your original question why is this important how can we use this Ethnography interested in what is interesting to you get at truth interview guide structured semi strucured and open formats open ended vs close ended questions which one makes more sense to use for this research open ended join the community establish rapport and trust reflect on your own process of initiation discover participant meanings review the artifacts of a society books magazines articles blogs websites social media performances art displays products choosing methods Conducting research coding the data analysis themes cid 127 Qualitative Methods Interviews sampling you can t interview everyone participant observation time commitment field notes ethics artifact analysis cid 127 Quantitative methods surveys types of questions data collection experiments Review activity Q How does hitting a deer effect an individual what is a human animals question that might interest you how would you use any one of the methods to investigate this question Methods Sampling semi constructed open ended interviews with people who have been in car crashes involving deer Why do you think people were so upset with this marketing campaign Read on http www nbcnews com business running shoemaker doghouse after dead dog ad 8C11080335 I think people were upset because seeing an image of a dead dog sparks sad feelings in humans especially those who have dogs as pets of their own Dog owners and lovers may associate the yellow lab on the campaign with their own pet which will stir uneasy feelings I don t think this was the message they were trying to get across but people misinterpreted For example Julie Mierau said It s offensive to me as a dog lover that the message is these shoes will make you run so hard you ll kill your dog para 7 The ad was misinterpreted by the majority It was a failed attempt to be funny I guess sometimes the jokes just don t come across and that is the case here cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127

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