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Pre lab Quiz Lab Exercise 3 Part I Note If you feel that there is more than one answer for any of the questions below please feel free to CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY VERSION C 1 In today s lab what will be used to precipitate proteins using the salting out method a Ammonium hydroxide b Ammonium sulfate c Potassium sulfate d Ethanol 2 In today s lab you will attempt to precipitate protein from a Whole blood b white blood cells c Plasma d Lysed Red blood cells 3 If a protein precipitates out of a solution containing a watery solvent which of the following can be said about the agent that caused the precipitation a It must have been more polar than water b It reduced the solvation shell around the protein c It increased the solubility of the protein d It may have been less polar than water 4 Upon centrifugation proteins that did not precipitate in a solution can be found a In a pellet b Still dissolved in the watery solvent c In the supernatant d None of the above KEY VERSION C 1 B 0 5 PTS 2 C 0 5 PTS 3 B D 0 25 PTS EACH 4 B C 0 25 PTS EACH Pre lab Quiz Lab Exercise 5 VERSION B 1 The best definition of an agonist is a substance that a Inhibits a given cellular process b Activates a given cellular process c Has the opposite effect of a receptor s natural ligand d Mimics the effects of a receptor s natural ligand 2 The best definition of an antagonist is a substance that a Has the opposite effect of a receptor s natural ligand b Inhibits a given cellular process c Activates a given cellular process d Mimics the effects of a receptor s natural ligand 3 The average heart rate of the organisms you will be working with today is about a 300 beats per minute b 75 beats per minute c 1000 beats per minute d 120 beats per mintute rate a Increasing b decreasing 4 The sympathetic nervous system has the general effect of heart Pre lab Quiz Lab Exercise 3 Part II Note If you feel that there is more than one answer for any of the questions below please feel free to circle all that apply VERSION C 1 Which of the following most accurately describes the critical role of SDS in the technique SDS PAGE a b c d e it unfolds the 3 dimensional structure of proteins it neutralizes the charge on proteins it gives proteins an overall positive charge it stabilizes the 3 dimensional structure of proteins it gives proteins an overall negative charge 2 Which of the following dyes will be used to track the movement of proteins during electrophoresis in today s lab a Coomassie blue b P nitroaniline c Trypan blue d Bromophenol blue e Methylene blue 3 The polyacrylamide component of a gel used for SDS PAGE is used in order to a Separate proteins on the basis of charge and shape b Separate proteins on the basis of shape c Separate proteins on the basis of size length d Minimize the differences in protein size length e None of the above 4 Which of the following dyes will be used to visualize individual proteins after electrophoresis in today s lab a Coomassie blue b P nitroaniline c Trypan blue d Bromophenol blue e Methylene blue Pre lab Quiz Lab Exercise 4 Note If you feel that there is more than one answer for any of the questions below please feel free to circle all that apply Grading notes 0 5 point each VERSION C 1 Enzymes function by a Lowering the activation energy of a given reaction b Raising the activation energy of a given reaction c Increasing the molecular motion of substrate reactants d None of the above 2 At some point during today s lab you will be measuring calculating a The absorbance of light at a fixed wavelength as a function of pNA concentration b The effect of temperature on the rate of product formation c The amount of BAPA formed as a function of enzyme concentration d The rate of product formation as a function of substrate concentration 3 For a given enzymatic reaction that follows Michaelis Menten kinetics the substrate concentration at which of the maximum reaction velocity is reached is called a Vi b Km c Vmax d None of the above a Lower b Higher 4 In general the higher the affinity an enzyme has for its substrate the the Km value for the enzyme catalyzed reaction

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