Motivation III Growth Needs Bold and italics are concepts that I predict Robert Smith will ask on the test A Introduction Fig 1 structure of hierarchy of needs Recall this Nature must be on the test Especially the part that talks about diminishing return and potency Order of satisfaction human satisfy needs according to the following orders 1 preconditions will be discussed later 2 deficiency needs 3 drives states 4 neurotic needs will be discussed later 5 growth needs We are here now 6 subconscious Universal non cultural Require satisfaction from deficiency needs See Fig 1 Never ending implying NO Diminishing Marginal of Return No equal potency recall in Motivation I Chapter we say the hierarchy of needs pyramid does have prepotency however within the category of growth needs there is NO such thing Meta Motivation Quotient MMQ proportion of motivation devoted to meta motives What is the implication of having high MMQ 1 Psychologically healthy 2 more pro social like considering interests of others before yoursel 3 individualism and self identity i ii iii iv v B Different types of meta motives Don t memorize just recognize Robert Smith only throws out a bunch of terms but he never organizes them well I go through all of them and provide the following categories Category Pro social Psychology Self identity 1 Community Justice Goodness 2 Socializing personality Aliveness Unity Playfulness Self sufficiency functional autonomy Recall Motivation I Comprehensive Uniqueness Completion 1 Learning Effortlessness Perfection Meaningfulness Order 2 Philosophy simplicity C Requirements for growth needs 1 Psychological capacity Learning Elaborative learner Motivation model prerequisite has to be fulfilled otherwise it is called human diminution which causes physical and mental disorder neuroses Elimination of defense mechanism recall the internal model chapter which states that human can defend new information by many means to refuse accepting new and valid information 2 Personality Motivation Have intrinsic motivation to grow and have courage to pick the growth options Honesty e g to understand your weakness don t find excuses that kind of thing Then what actions do we need to take 1 Erasing personal history Reduce expectations so that others cannot predict your behavior Perform adaptive behavior 2 Losing self importance and gain self worth Self importance telling people how awesome you are social frustration Self worth through self actualization growth 3 Acting without believing People behave based upon the samples internal model they have which may be untrue due to small sample size Should behave in an experimental basis to test if new behavior can lead to changes Do not interact with people in a way that provides high value all the time due to 4 Being Inaccessible diminishing marginal return Resist excessive interactions 5 Overcome petty tyrants Tyrants asshole that brings trouble rule over you and aggravate you Solutions i forbearance deliberate postponement of just rewards patience control ii manipulate problematic key accounts and gratify the needs Living in truth 6 Living in truth Avoid giving out impression that is inconsistent with self 7 Eliminating self pity Don t blame failure to others Accept responsibility and learn from errors D Creativity Divergent novel original and relevance appropriate and effective It is NOT a trait but a skills Creativity helps growth because i ii Employees are given freedom recall motivation I precondition freedom is important for having need fulfillment Courage elaboration and honesty recall above meta motive table courage elaboration honesty How to enhance creativity i input constraints to force to think outside of the box ii abstract thinking iii positive mood iv priming Factors hindering creativity i social conformity ii lack of self confidence iii emotional block iv risk aversion It is just the complete opposite of each other
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