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A Boiling Water Reactor BWR produces saturated steam at 1 000 psia The steam passes through a turbine and is exhausted at 1 psia The steam is condensed to a subcooling of 3o F and then pumped back to the reactor pressure Compute the following parameters a Net work done per pound of fluid Wnet h1 h2 Wpump Wnet 1192 9 776 2 96 413 94 BTU lbm b Heat rejected per pound of fluid Qr h2 h3 Qr 776 66 73 709 27 BTU lbm c Heat added by the reactor per pound of fluid Qa h1 h3 Qa 1192 9 66 73 1126 17 BTU lbm d The turbine heat rate defined as Heat rejected Net turbine work Net turbine work in units of BTU kW hr 709 27 413 94 413 94 2 71 3412 BTU 1 kW hr 9258 33 BTU kW hr e Overall Thermal efficiency Overall Thermal efficiency Qa Qr Qa 1126 17 709 27 1126 17 37

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UIUC NPRE 402 - HW 19

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