CHAPTER 11 Ethnicity and Race Ethnicity Cultural values and norms that distinguish the members of a given group from others Race Differences in human physical characteristics Racialization understandings of race are used to classify individuals or groups of people Minority Groups disadvantaged compared to dominant group have some sense of solidarity Racism Antiracism racism o system of domination operating in social processes and social institutions attribution of superiority or inferiority to a population sharing similar characteristics o institutional racism patterns of discrimination based on ethnicity that have become structured into existing social institutions prejudice and discrimination o prejudice opinions or attitudes o discrimination behavior stereotypes and scapegoats o stereotypes thinking in terms of inflexible categories o displacement feelings of hostility or anger are directed against objects that are not at root of those feelings o people often blame scapegoats for problems not their fault blamed for wrongs that were not of their doing antiracism o forms of thought and or practice that seek to confront eradicate and or ameliorate racisms apartheid system of racial segregation established in South Africa RESEARCH ON RACE AND ETHNICITY TODAY assimilation acceptance of a minority group by a majority population pluralism ethnic cultures exist separately yet participate in the larger society s economic and political life multiculturalism ethnic groups exist separately and equally immigration movement of people into one country from another emigration movement of people out of one county Global diasporas dispersal of an ethnic population from a homeland into foreign areas How can ethnic conflict be reduced Genocide Ethnic cleansing creation of ethnically homogeneous territories through mass expulsion
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