CHAPTER 16 Education BASIC CONCEPTS Achievement gap educational inequalities b t different groups of students Intelligence level of intellectual ability IQ Emotional intelligence ability to identify assess and control the emotions of oneself or others SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES OF EDUCATION Assimilation o How learning a common language and the facts of a common history geography creates a sense of affinity amog members of society Credentialism o Specific skills and info students learn are much less relevant to their later achievements than the actual diploma Hidden Curriculum o Traits of behavior or attitudes learned at school but not included in formal curriculum i e gender differences Pierre Bourdieu and Cultural Capital o Advantages that well to do parents usually provide their children RESEARCH ON EDUCATION TODAY tracking dividing students into groups that receive different instruction on the basis of assumed similarities in ability or attainment Cultural and Social Psychological Influences on Student Outcomes acting white thesis black students do not aspire to strive to get good grades bc it is perceive as acting white abstract attitudes ideas that are consistent w mainstream societal views concrete attitudes based on actual experience cultural navigators ppl who draw from both their home culture and mainstream culture to succeed stereotype threat African Am will do worse on a test if perceive they are being judged based on stereotypes information poverty state of people who have little or no access to info technology i e computers
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