NCSU BIO 183 - BIo test 3 study guide

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REVIEW III STUDY GUIDE Sp17 Populations Density calculate label Dispersion most common least common Growth calculations exponential vs logistic limiting factors density dependent density independent carrying capacity rule of 70 doubling time Life history strategies r vs K species characteristics examples Life tables how to interpret Survivorship curves Type I II III examples of each Human populations doubling size demographic transition age structure pyramids Ecological footprint Species interactions Competition intra inter Niche fundamental vs realized Competitive exclusion principle Resource partitioning Character displacement allopatric or sympatric Predation Coevolution of predator prey Herbivore plant adaptations examples Defense mechanisms of prey examples aposematic vs cryptic coloration Mimicry Batesian and Mullerian examples Parasitism Endo ecto pathogen social Symbiosis Mutualism examples Commensalism examples Communities Succession pioneer to climax communities Primary vs Secondary examples Eutrophication Ecosystems Autotrophs heterotrophs detritivores and decomposers Photo and chemo autotrophs and heterotrophs Prokaryotes Saprobes parasites Obligate vs facultative aerobe and anaerobes Protists Phagotrophs osmotrophs mixotrophs etc Fungi Absorb extracellular some pathogenic some parasitic Animals Suspension substrate fluid bulk feeders examples of each Keystone species examples Trophic levels and food webs remember the pre class notes on moodle Energy loss 10 makes it to next level calculate Pyramids of energy biomass numbers Bioaccumulation Primary productivity gross vs net how expressed remember the pre class notes on moodle Limits on terrestrial and aquatic productivity Nutritional requirements of plants Plant transport vascular tissue Xylem water cohesion tension transpiration stomata guard cells open close Phloem sugars translocation pressure flow theory Human impact Biodiversity Fragmentation of habitat Deforestation Subsistence agriculture desertification Introduced invasive species Toxins endocrine disruptors etc website article Global warming gases responsible how process occurs results Digestive system Mechanical chemical complete incomplete monogastric ruminant Ruminant system 4 chambers order main function of each Major tasks of digestive system 5 Human system length time label organs including accessory organs Enzymes saliva pancreas which food do they digest Buffers where produced needed Epiglottis Functions of stomach small intestine large intestine liver pancreas Pyloric sphincter duodenum jejunum ileum cecum colon rectum Gastric ulcers Gall bladder common hepatic duct cystic duct Unique bird digestive adaptations Nutritional requirements carb protein fat Essential amino acids vitamins fat vs water soluble minerals Obesity

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NCSU BIO 183 - BIo test 3 study guide

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