UB MGE 302 - Mostly Slides for Second Week(2)

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VARYING LEVELS OF UNCERTAINTY AND CONTROL IN OPERATIONS Figure 1 8 on textbook page 17 Production And Service Management More control Less uncertainty Project Management Event Management Incident Management Less control More uncertainty Productivity in Agriculture High Tunnel Operation in Use to Grow Strawberries Design Specifications for a Tennis Ball as reported by Wikipedia Weight 56 0 g 59 4 g Diameter 65 41 68 58 mm Color White or optic yellow Bounciness a drop from 100 inches onto concrete produces a bounce of 53 58 inches Test must be at sea level 68 degrees F and 60 humidity Your product must meet these specifications to be judged as acceptable quality by the USTA Design Specifications for Canned Pumpkin as reported by the publisher of 365 of the Stupidest Things Ever Said Empty a container can onto a dry flat surface The contents of the can must create a high mound formation At the end of two minutes the highest point on the mound must be no less than 60 the height of the container Your product must meet these specifications to be judged as acceptable quality by the US Department of Defense as per DoD Procurement Specifications for Canned Pumpkin paragraph 52 2747 Total Quality Management TQM Statistical Process Control Lean Just in Time JIT Six Sigma Toyota Production System TPS 1920s involve everyone including the customer Quality of Conformance Continuous Improvement Lean Six Sigma Quality of Design drive out waste in all forms rigorously train and deploy inhouse quality experts train in house experts to increase efficiency Present Day total quality management TQM Simultaneous and continuous pursuit of improvement in both the quality of design and conformance through the involvement of the entire organization Investigating Quality Quality Circles Investigating Quality Causes of Delay in Drug Treatment in an Emergency Room ER Vein related problem Delayed return of bloodwork Delayed patient consent to treatment Delayed family consent to treatment Delayed assessment ER volume CT scanner busy CT scan inconclusive Consultant neurologist unavailable Additional bloodwork required Investigating Quality Causes of Delay in Drug Treatment in ER Vein related problem Delayed return of bloodwork Delayed patient consent to treatment Delayed family consent to treatment Delayed assessment ER volume CT scanner busy CT scan inconclusive Consultant neurologist unavailable Additional bloodwork required 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Frequency of Causes of Delay in Drug Treatment in ER CT scanner busy 36 Additional bloodwork required 29 Delayed assessment ER volume 12 Delayed return of bloodwork Note 77 of all delays are concentrated here 8 6 Delayed patient consent to treatment Vein related problem 4 Consultant neurologist unavailable 2 CT scan inconclusive 2 Delayed family consent to treatment 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Product Development cradle to gate Planning sustainability from the procurement of raw materials through the production of the product Product Development cradle to grave Planning sustainability from the procurement of raw materials through the final disposal of the product Product Development cradle to cradle Planning sustainability as a perpetual cycle of transformation in which the disposal of one product provides the materials for another

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UB MGE 302 - Mostly Slides for Second Week(2)

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