UT Knoxville ASTR 151 - Comparative Planetology
Type Lecture Slides
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Carbon Dioxide CO2 Levels Feb 2015 2016 Image Credit NASA OCO 2 Animation S Lindsay Carbon Dioxide CO2 Levels Model Link to model movie on YouTube Image Credit NASA GSFC Course Announcements Thanksgiving Week planning No classes Wednesday 23 Nov Upcoming Schedule Quiz 4 Monday 24 October Lots of hints today A bigly number of them Exam 2 Friday 28 October Chapters 5 6 7 Dr Lindsay s Custom Material parts of Ch 8 Study session next week hope for Wed or Thursday MA study guide Must Knows and Chapter slides coming as soon as I get them prepared for you Assignments Reading Assignments Chapter 8 8 1 8 4 Read by Monday 24 Oct Parallel Lectures CC Astronomy Episode 8 The Tides Watch before Monday 24 Oct Mastering Astronomy Chapter 7 Homework Due Monday 21 October at 11 59 PM EDT Will assign a shortened Ch 8 homework before Exam so you can engage in the material Quiz 4 Hints Chapters 6 7 Custom Material Know that the dynamo effect is the preferred idea for how planets generate magnetic fields What two factors are important in many lectures slides Know that planetary migration of the early gas giant planets was responsible for clearing out the leftover solid debris planetesimals and other protoplanets in the solar system Evidenced by the Late Heavy Bombardment What is planetary differentiation What provided enough heat to melt the planets Be able to identify the correct composition for Earth s current atmosphere Quiz 4 Hints Example Questions 1 Most carbon atoms have 6 protons and 6 neutrons in the nucleus Carbon 12 An atom with 6 protons and 8 neutrons in the nucleus is what is still carbon but it is a different of carbon A Proton B ElementC Molecule D Isotope E Anti matter 2 This scientist is famous for coining the term radioactivity and performing the pioneering research in that field A Albert Einstein B Nikolai Tesla C Rosalind Franklin D Isaac Newton E Marie Curie Back to Comparative Planetology Using planetary properties to make inferences Q1 Which of the planets do we expect to have a magnetic field The Sandwich Star N BLT Planet BLT Mass 1 0 Earth Masses Rotational Period 22 3 hrs Expected Temp 410 K Real Temp 410 K N Reuben Planet Reuben Mass 0 2 Earth Masses Rotational Period 26 2 hrs Expected Temp 320 K Real Temp 320 K N Chicken Salad Planet Chicken Sald Mass 2 5 Earth Masses Rotational Period 97 days Expected Temp 260 K Real Temp 305 K Does it have a Magnetic Field Using planetary properties to make inferences Check for 1 BIG enough near Earth sized or larger to still have molten core 2 ROTATING FAST enough in general less than 25 days to generate the dynamo effect The Sandwich Star N BLT Planet BLT Mass 1 0 Earth Masses Rotational Period 22 3 hrs Expected Temp 410 K Real Temp 410 K N Reuben Planet Reuben Mass 0 2 Earth Masses Rotational Period 26 2 hrs Expected Temp 320 K Real Temp 320 K N Chicken Salad Planet Chicken Sald Mass 2 5 Earth Masses Rotational Period 97 days Expected Temp 260 K Real Temp 305 K Does it have a Magnetic Field Using planetary properties to make inferences Q1 Which of the planets do we expect to have a magnetic field A BLT Large enough to still have molten core and fast enough rotation The Sandwich Star N BLT Planet BLT Mass 1 0 Earth Masses Rotational Period 22 3 hrs Expected Temp 410 K Real Temp 410 K N Reuben Planet Reuben Mass 0 2 Earth Masses Rotational Period 26 2 hrs Expected Temp 320 K Real Temp 320 K N Chicken Salad Planet Chicken Sald Mass 2 5 Earth Masses Rotational Period 97 days Expected Temp 260 K Real Temp 305 K Does it have an Atmosphere Using planetary properties to make inferences Q2 Based on their temperatures Which of the planets do we expect to have an atmosphere The Sandwich Star N BLT Planet BLT Mass 1 0 Earth Masses Rotational Period 22 3 hrs Expected Temp 410 K Real Temp 410 K N Reuben Planet Reuben Mass 0 2 Earth Masses Rotational Period 26 2 hrs Expected Temp 320 K Real Temp 320 K N Chicken Salad Planet Chicken Sald Mass 2 5 Earth Masses Rotational Period 97 days Expected Temp 260 K Real Temp 305 K Does it have an Atmosphere Using planetary properties to make inferences The Real Temp will be larger than the Expected Temp for it s distance from the Sun if the planet is experiencing the greenhouse effect That is it has an atmosphere that contains greenhouse gases The Sandwich Star N BLT Planet BLT Mass 1 0 Earth Masses Rotational Period 22 3 hrs Expected Temp 410 K Real Temp 410 K N Reuben Planet Reuben Mass 0 2 Earth Masses Rotational Period 26 2 hrs Expected Temp 320 K Real Temp 320 K N Chicken Salad Planet Chicken Sald Mass 2 5 Earth Masses Rotational Period 97 days Expected Temp 260 K Real Temp 305 K Does it have an Atmosphere Using planetary properties to make inferences Q2 Based on their temperatures Which of the planets do we expect to have an atmosphere Answer Chicken Salad Real Temperature Expected Temperature indicating the presence of greenhouse gases in an atmosphere The Sandwich Star N BLT Planet BLT Mass 1 0 Earth Masses Rotational Period 22 3 hrs Expected Temp 410 K Real Temp 410 K N Reuben Planet Reuben Mass 0 2 Earth Masses Rotational Period 26 2 hrs Expected Temp 320 K Real Temp 320 K N Chicken Salad Planet Chicken Sald Mass 2 5 Earth Masses Rotational Period 97 days Expected Temp 260 K Real Temp 305 K Greenhouse Effect Balance between energy absorbed and reradiated When these molecules absorb the IR radiation they reemit it in all directions 50 goes up 50 goes back down to be reabsorbed by Earth s surface more energy in Greenhouse Effect Balance between energy absorbed and reradiated The downward directed re emited IR radiation heats up Earth Surface With our levels of greenhouse gases this warms us up from should be frozen 250 K to a nice average temperature of about 287 K 14 C or 57 2 F Climate Change Climate Science Looking at this scientifically not politically Climate Long timescale characterization It s a desert We get hurricanes here England is cold and rainy This is a tropical rain forest Weather Short timescale phenomena It s sunny right now It s raining right now Ouch A hailstone just hit my head By Zues s glorious beard That thar is a tornado Run A Big Concern Human activity is measurably increasing the amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere an observable fact which is changing the amount of greenhouse gases that will absorb and re radiate in all directions the thermal infrared radiation that cools the Earth Increased greenhouse effect Increased amount of energy absorbed by Earth s surface more energy

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UT Knoxville ASTR 151 - Comparative Planetology

Type: Lecture Slides
Pages: 40
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