UIUC KIN 122 - Assignment 3

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KIN 122 Assignment 3 NAME Katie Lively UIN 653406542 1 What is the physical activity related behavior change you are working on this semester Please use the FITT principle in describing your goal in detail a Frequency 4 6 days per week b Intensity 60 100 1 RM 10 15 reps 2 3 sets c Time Depends on set and reps d Type 10 12 full body exercises 2 Please identify the stage of change you are in right now and why you would be categorized as in that stage of change I would say that im still in the action stage because I have not yet really progressed yet I have had a lot of barriers this semester that have been blocking me from trying to keep this goal 3 What was the short term goal you hoped to reach by the time Assignment 3 is due My short term goal was to visit the gym at least three times a week and weight train every time I go and eventually start using heavier weights 4 Did you reach the short term goal listed in 3 Please complete 4a OR 4b based on where you are in terms of reaching your short term goal in 3 a If yes congrats Please list 2 strategies you learned about in class that you used to help you reach your goal b If no that s ok hang in there What is the main barrier you are facing name the barrier and identify what category of barrier it is What do you plan to do to overcome this barrier Again unfortunately I did not reach my goal Although I do go to the gym three days a week I have not had the time to weight train every time I go This semester I have been sick a lot so I ve not been trying to do strenuous workouts so I can eventually get better What I think will help me is if I stay away from the gym for a few days so I can get better which will then allow me to start doing more strenuous exercises like weight training 5 What is your plan to continue progress on your behavior change goal during winter break Think about what we talked about in class related to behavior change and vacations travel relapse prevention etc Please use the FITT principle in describing your goal in detail a Frequency 3 4 days a week b Intensity 60 100 1 RM 10 15 reps 2 3 sets c Time depends on sets and reps d Type 10 12 full body exercises

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UIUC KIN 122 - Assignment 3

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