Group Project Steph 2101 1 Process for manufacturing OSB Scope Group Project Topic Process for manufacturing OSB Number 9 get it on a jump drive power point two parts describe the groups topic in out line form topic 1 something a something else b a little different 2 a something else b a little different Part two is the presentation Project Description In this project the class will be divided into groups Each group will be given a topic The group project has two parts Part 1 Describe your group s topic typically a process or system in outline form listing all the steps involved and briefly describing each step The process system descriptions should include the purpose of the assigned process system its particular attributes the production process or its installation any equipment required and any safety or code issues that are important to the systems Part 2 In conjunction with this written outline you will need to obtain drawings graphs photos or video to illustrate your topic process system Also include a title slide with topic and group members and a detailed Bibliography with citation showing all the sources of information that you used in preparing your power point assignment Your project should be from a construction viewpoint It is not intended to be a design analysis of the process system This information that you research and report may be obtained from manufacturers or association websites You may also obtain information directly from manufacturers distributors suppliers contractors or trade contractors You may also observe the installation construction of the assigned process on a jobsite This would allow original photos video and information directly from those involved Each group is to use Power Point format and put your presentation on a jump drive to turn in I will return your jump drive after the project is graded the purpose of the assigned process system its particular attributes the production process or its installation any equipment required and any safety or code issues that are important to the systems Group Project Steph 2101 1 Process for manufacturing OSB Outline Obtaining wood for OSB A Log Sorting Whole logs are hauled to the mill s wood yard From there the logs are sorted B Debarking Occasionally Logs are soaked to remove ice and prepare wood for stranding Send it up the conveyor belt Logs are run through the debarking machine to remove bark Bark is later used as fuel in the mill s energy supply C Stranding This machine typically has anywhere between 30 50 blades Uses a rotating motion to dig in to logs The strands are cut from whole logs Precise dimensions vary between company and use Prepping the strands A Wet Bins Strands are deposited into wet bins Strands are placed in to wet bins because B Drying Strands are then dried This is done in order to obtain the appropriate moisture content C Blending Strands are blended With resin binders With small amounts of wax Which helps the efficiency of the resin binder The panel s resistance to moisture and water absorption is also improved Taking Shape A Forming Line Strands go through a forming line They are layered so cross directional layers are formed B Pressing The cross directional strands are pressed in conditions of intense heat and pressure This forms a rigid dense structural panel Presses are capable of pressing multiple panels at once for increased efficiency between 8 to 16 at a time C Finishing Line Panels are cooled and cut to size Grade stamped stacked in bundles and edge coated This is for specifications and regulations Final Product A Shipping The panels are now ready to be loaded and shipped Panels can be ordered to be smooth sanded for special uses Panels can also be ordered with tongue and groove edges Group Project Steph 2101 1 Process for manufacturing OSB Content and Grading 100 total points divided as follows I II Part 1 Written Outline Format of Outline use alphanumeric or decimal format A 1 Completeness description of topic process 14 pts 2 Format of Outline correctness logic 7 pts 3 Grammar and Spelling 10 pts 4 Quality of Physical Presentation 7 pts Bibliography with citations B 1 Breadth and completeness of sources 12 pts 2 Format quality and correctness 5 pts Part 2 Drawings Details Chart Graphs Photos and Video A Completeness of coverage those items in written outline 16 pts B Quality of visual items 16 pts C Organization and clarity integration with outline 13 pts TOTAL 100 DUE DECEMBER 1 2016 DELIVER TO MY OFFICE Citations
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