FINAL EXAM OBJECTIVES FROM THE TEXTBOOK Chapter 8 1 What is a cross functional group p 233 The members of cross functional or horizontal groups come from different areas and possibly different levels of an organization and they are on the increase 14 including ArcelorMittal steel company to review and monitor product innovation and Suburban Hospital to coordinate patient health care Generally the higher the management level the more cross functional the responsibility With the increase in network designs there is an increase in the use of cross firm teams 2 What is a task force or ad hoc committee p 233 A task force or ad hoc committee is a temporary group formed for a specific purpose 3 What is a standing committee p 233 A standing committee is a permanent task group that works on continuing organizational issues such as the University of Maine tenure and promotion committee Chapter 11 4 What is the need for achievement How do people high in the need for achievement act p 360 The Need for Achievement n Ach People with a high need for achievement tend to want to take personal responsibility for solving problems They are goal oriented and they set moderate realistic attainable goals They seek challenge excellence and individuality take calculated moderate risks desire concrete feedback on their performance and are willing to work hard Companies recruit people who are motivated to succeed on the job 5 What is the need for power How do people high in the need for power act p 360 People with a high need for power Chapter 10 have a take charge attitude They tend to want to control the situation to influence or control others to enjoy competition in which they can win they do not like to lose and to be willing to confront others 6 What is the need for affiliation How do people high in the need for affiliation act p 361 People with a high need for affiliation tend to seek close relationships with others to want to be liked by others to enjoy social activities and to seek to belong They like to interact with other people rather than being alone 7 What is the acquired needs profile for managers p 361 The Manager Acquired Needs Profile Managers tend to have a high n Pow followed by a high need for n Ach and a low n Aff People with a high n Aff tend to avoid management because they tend to have a low n Pow and like to be one of the group rather than its manager who needs to evaluate and discipline others Not everyone wants to be a manager 8 What does expectancy theory propose to motivate individuals p 364 Expectancy theory is based on Victor Vroom s formula motivation expectancy instrumentality valence 40 The expectancy theory proposes that employees are motivated when they believe they can accomplish a task and the rewards for doing so are worth the effort 9 What does expectancy in expectancy theory refer to p 364 Expectancy refers to the person s perception of his or her ability probability to accomplish an objective Generally the higher one s expectancy the better the chance for motivation When employees do not believe that they can accomplish objectives they will not be motivated to try 10 What does instrumentality in expectancy theory refer to p 364 Instrumentality refers to the perception of the relationship between performance and the outcome reward that will actually be gained Generally the higher one s expectation for a positive outcome the better the chance for motivation 11 What does valence refer to in expectancy theory p 365 Valence refers to the value a person places on the outcome Generally the higher the value importance of the outcome the better the chance of motivation Are you motivated to apply for a minimum wage job Chapter 12 12 What is a charismatic leader p 399 Charismatic leaders inspire loyalty enthusiasm and high levels of performance Their confident dynamic personal traits and behavior enable them to develop strong relationships with followers they may not even know personally giving them strong influence over followers behavior and performance Charismatic leaders articulate a clear vision that is based on strongly held values model those values communicate high performance expectations and display confidence in followers ability to achieve the vision Followers in turn trust charismatic leaders are loyal to them and are inspired to work hard to accomplish the leader s vision goals and strategy 13 What is a transformational leader p 399 Transformational leaders bring about continuous learning innovation and change They gain acceptance of the mission and group s purpose and motivate followers to go beyond transcend their own self interest for the good of the organization and group Transformational leaders make their followers feel like a vital part of the firm and understand how their jobs fit with the vision or understand how to make the vision become a reality Many charismatic leaders are also visionary and transformational leaders but not all Transformational leaders are good at overcoming resistance to change They often increase performance beyond expectations even more than their employees thought possible Transformational leaders are especially needed in firms with growth strategies competing in dynamic environments 14 What is a transactional leader p 400 Transactional leadership is a leadership style based on social exchange The exchange involves the principle that you do this work for me and I ll give this reward to you and I ll punish you if you don t Transactional leaders promote stability rather than change and are described as task and reward oriented structured and passive Transactional leadership occurs mostly among middle and first line managers but some top level managers are transactional 15 What is a servant leader p 400 Servant leaders focus on helping others by placing their needs ahead of selfinterest This is the act of true friendship Servant leadership is based on the premise that leaders who are best able to motivate followers are those who focus on prioritizing the fulfilment of followers needs ahead of self interest It is a positive approach to OB Chapter 10 Serving others leads to strong relationships with followers becoming fully engaged in OCB and higher levels of performance
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