UIUC KIN 249 - Discourse Power_week4 _ppt

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Representing the Boarding Body Discourse Power and the Snowboarding Chapter 4 Femininity Mass and niche media create and recreate multiple discourses of female snowboarders How do snowboarders read and sometimes resist different portrayals of female boarding bodies p 91 Mass Media Some scholars are critical of women s subordination in sport as reflected in how female athletes bodies are a source of oppression as they are forced to appropriately present themselves via body regimes and acceptable forms of femininity labeled the female apologetic Female apologetic women who challenge traditional notions of masculinity such as in sport participation also apologize symbolically culturally by emphasizing traditional notions of their femininity Female apologetic Niche Media Various discourses inform women s snowboarding practices and snowboarding bodies Heterosexual and traditional femininity discourse powerful in mainstream media Skills over gender in niche media Historical context and age of participant consumer may matter Group Activity

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UIUC KIN 249 - Discourse Power_week4 _ppt

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