Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Human Variation Anthropology in north America traditionally divided into four subfields Biological or physical anthropology o Study of humans as biological organisms but with interest in the interaction between biology and culture biocultural approach Specialties Paleoanthropology evolution molecular anthropology genetics paleodemography biomechanics and primatology among others Examples of applied work Forensic anthropology medical anthropology nutritional anthropology Sociocultural Anthropology o Study of human thought and practices in the context of contemporary or historical cultural settings Specialties Virtually limitless options within two main components ethnography and ethnology Linguistic Anthropology o Study of human language its origins history structure and social and cultural variations in its use Specialties Structural linguistics historical linguistics comparative linguistics sociolinguistics Examples of applied work Language documentation language revitalization cultural translation legal mediation Anthropological Archaeology o Study of human cultures through the analysis of material remains Historical archaeology prehistoric archaeology ethnoarchaeology experimental archaeology and bioarchaeology Classical archaeology is a separate field house often in departments of Classics or History 2
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