UA PSIO 201 - Osmosis Practice Problems

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Osmosis Practice Problems Good practice for test taking strategy too By the end of this lesson You should be able to solve word problems that require analysis of osmosis scenarios 1 If you soak your hands in dishwater you may notice that your skin absorbs water and swells into wrinkles This is because your skin cells are to the dishwater A B C D E hypotonic hypertonic hypertonic hypotonic hypotonic hypotonic isotonic hypotonic hypertonic isotonic 1 If you soak your hands in dishwater you may notice that your skin absorbs water and swells into wrinkles This is because your skin cells are to the dishwater A B C D E hypotonic hypertonic hypertonic hypotonic hypotonic hypotonic isotonic hypotonic hypertonic isotonic 2 You decide to buy a new fish for your freshwater aquarium When you introduce the fish into its new tank the fish swells up and dies You later learn that it was a fish from the ocean 2 Based on what you know of tonicity the most likely explanation is that the unfortunate fish went from a n solution into a n solution A B C D E Isotonic hypotonic hypertonic isotonic hypotonic hypertonic hypotonic isotonic isotonic hypertonic 2 Based on what you know of tonicity the most likely explanation is that the unfortunate fish went from a n solution into a n solution A B C D E isotonic hypotonic hypertonic isotonic hypotonic hypertonic hypotonic isotonic isotonic hypertonic 3 In osmosis water always moves toward the solution that is toward the solution with the solute concentration A B C D E isotonic greater hypertonic greater hypertonic lesser hypotonic greater hypotonic lesser 3 In osmosis water always moves toward the solution that is toward the solution with the solute concentration A B C D E isotonic greater hypertonic greater hypertonic lesser hypotonic greater hypotonic lesser 4 The concentration of solutes in a red blood cell is about 2 Sucrose cannot pass through the membrane but water and urea can Osmosis would cause red blood cells to shrink the most when immersed in which of the following solutions A B C D E a hypertonic sucrose solution a hypotonic sucrose solution a hypertonic urea solution a hypotonic urea solution pure water 4 The concentration of solutes in a red blood cell is about 2 Sucrose cannot pass through the membrane but water and urea can Osmosis would cause red blood cells to shrink the most when immersed in which of the following solutions A B C D E a hypertonic sucrose solution a hypotonic sucrose solution a hypertonic urea solution a hypotonic urea solution pure water 5 Sea water is dangerous to drink because A one cup of sea water contains enough sodium to poison you B sea water is hypertonic to your body tissues and drinking it will cause you to lose water C sea water is isotonic to your body fluids and you will absorb too much water D the salt causes hypertension and you will promptly die of a stroke E it contains toxic levels of iodine 5 Sea water is dangerous to drink because A one cup of sea water contains enough sodium to poison you B sea water is hypertonic to your body tissues and drinking it will cause you to lose water C sea water is isotonic to your body fluids and you will absorb too much water D the salt causes hypertension and you will promptly die of a stroke E it contains toxic levels of iodine 6 If the volume of a cell increases when it is placed in a solution that solution is said to be to the cell A B C D E hypertonic subatomic isotonic gin and tonic hypotonic 6 If the volume of a cell increases when it is placed in a solution that solution is said to be to the cell A B C D E hypertonic subatomic isotonic gin and tonic hypotonic 7 Inside one osmosis bag A is a 50 glucose solution and inside bag B is a 20 glucose solution Both bags are put into beakers containing 100 water Osmosis bags are membranes that let water through but not glucose A B C D E Bag A will gain weight Bag B will gain weight Both bags will gain weight Both bags will lose weight Both bags will remain the same 7 Inside one osmosis bag A is a 50 glucose solution and inside bag B is a 20 glucose solution Both bags are put into beakers containing 100 water Osmosis bags are membranes that let water through but not glucose A B C D E Bag A will gain weight Bag B will gain weight Both bags will gain weight Both bags will lose weight Both bags will remain the same 8 A 0 9 NaCl solution is isotonic to red blood cells Which of these describes the results if red blood cells are placed into a 9 solution of NaCl A B C D E They will burst They will shrink Nothing will happen They will expand but not burst None of the above 8 A 0 9 NaCl solution is isotonic to red blood cells Which of these describes the results if red blood cells are placed into a 9 solution of NaCl A B C D E They will burst They will shrink Nothing will happen They will expand but not burst None of the above 9 Wallway is a new general herbicide for aquatic plants Its main ingredient is a marine salt solution It is effective against freshwater but not saltwater plants It works by breaking down the cell walls of the plants The freshwater plants die because their cells A B C D E swell and cease to function shrink remain the same size but malfunction are crushed by the weight of the plant not enough information to tell 9 Wallway is a new general herbicide for aquatic plants Its main ingredient is a marine salt solution It is effective against freshwater but not saltwater plants It works by breaking down the cell walls of the plants The freshwater plants die because their cells A B C D E swell and cease to function shrink remain the same size but malfunction are crushed by the weight of the plant not enough information to tell 10 A red blood cell has a salt concentration of 0 9 What will happen if it is placed into a 1 salt solution The red blood cell will A shrink if its membrane is permeable to both the salt and the water B shrink if its membrane is impermeable to the salt and permeable to the water C maintain its shape nothing will happen D swell and probably burst because its membrane is impermeable to salt and permeable to water E swell and probably burst because its membrane is impermeable to water and permeable to salt 10 A red blood cell has a salt concentration of 0 9 What will happen if it is placed into a 1 salt solution The red blood cell will A shrink if its membrane is permeable to both the salt and the water B shrink if its …

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