UIUC ARTH 112 - Final Exam Study Guide

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Final Exam Study Guide Diego Velazquez Las Meninas The Maids of Honor 1656 o Dwarf like woman common at court very uncommon o Foregrounds the way in which painting can represent and play with reality o Beginning of impressionism Jean Antoine Watteau The Pilgrimage to Cythera 1717 o Introduced the notion of a romanticized escape Island is Magic o Very rich and elegant painting o Everything is delicate in this style balance between masculine and feminism o Island of dreams and wishes Where we are always happy and our dreams are fulfilled Jean Honore Fragonard The Progress of Love 1771 73 Locus amoneus the place of love pleasure The ontology of the space is peculiar Nothing is substantial and the scenery seems fairy tale like Stages an environment Lovers must storm the castle of love sexual overtones Mock Heroic undermines subverts the heroic genre Trees erupt in the background as if they were fountain blasts of water Landscape is being used rhetorically dark shadowy portions that disappear are both a sexual innuendo but also represent the unknown Jacques Louis David Oath of the Horatii against the Curiatii 1784 85 Soldiers are taking an oath to be soldiers fighting for their tribe This is a painting of virtue The wives and children that these men are leaving are lying to the right mourning and in distress Women are portrayed as weak passive and concerned only in their emotions o This painting makes a very distinct split between the males and females Males very linear structure Females curved Dedicated to Rome Prelude to the French Revolution Sacrifice must be made Hard lines very precisely lit Heroic but perhaps there are undertones that undermine this type of heroism Francisco Goya Third of May 1808 Failed uprising by Spanish citizens against the invading French Each rebel killed one by one Not realistic re imagined Loosely painted Christ like pose Sacrifice Portrays the inhumanity of military oppressors Captures malevolence and brutality Cathedral ironically lying in the background vaguely illuminated in the dark Soldiers are de humanized not humans but weapons Faces are obscured by the pose of the rifle and uniform Theodore Gericault The Raft of the Medusa 1818 19 Disaster paintings are important Specifically calls upon the errors of those in power Enormous painting 23ft across Captain of the ship did not actually know how to captain a ship The people needed to build a raft and stayed many days adrift There was cannibalism 2 3 of the people died Figures remind one of Michelangelo and Caravaggio romantic compositions Show people in the various stages of suffering Eugene Delacroix Liberty Leading the People July 28 1830 Influence from baroque paintings neo baroque romantic o Most style at this time was inherited from the past focus on thematic rather than style o Not avant garde Follows expectations Allegorizes the city of Paris o Tall hats bourgeoisie the middle class is fighting o Bear breasts Both sexual and heroic o Make associations with traditions that go back into antiquity Edouard Manet A Bar at the Folies Bergere 1881 2 Woman is a bartender Lonely gaze empty expression Juxtaposes with the nightlife of Paris around her it is supposed to be a jovial place The man in the reflection in the back is a representation of the viewer Mirrors are disjointed reflects how disjointed she is from her environment Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night 1889 Painted during a psychotic episode in an asylum Christian image of an apocalypse The sun is shining in the night The tree in the foreground waving back and forth becomes a looming presence The town looks threatened by a cosmic tower Marcel Duchamp Fountain 1917 Art was composed by found object urinal and the artist signed it Introduced the notion that even common objects are art which raised the question of what art actually is Considered one of the most influential works of the 20th century The work has a lot of intellectual merit it is entirely conceptually based and without viewer critic s interpretations of it it is only the object for which it was practically designed There were replicas made as well Pablo Picasso Guernica 1937 Style returns to cubism Portrays the waves of destruction after the bombing of Guernica Picasso was not actually there but created the image full of anguish pain suffering Faces and figures are contorted and disfigured warped by the power of the bomb Giorgio di Chirico Mystery and Melancholy of a Street 1914 There was a war that nobody had a particularly good reason for that brought about violence and carnage Millions died Underneath this reality this reality in which we live and have our being another and altogether different reality lies concealed o Nietzsche Creates a culture of suspicion even of one s self o Perspective is odd and the figure s rush to the horizon line is vicious and somewhat disturbing o Renaissance tradition of perspective is actually used against the painting o The open carriage compartment leaves a mystery that is furthered by the shadow in the horizon did it escape Speaks to the primitive psychoanalytic ID It s weird and inexplicable as well as melancholy Salvador Dali The Persistence of Memory 1931 Free association remembering and re creating dreams helps understand the ID Refutes rationality and romanticism Hand Painted Dream Photographs Paranoiac critical method you are paranoid and afraid for no rational reason you interpret in a paranoid fashion o Ants on the watch symbolize the terror of atomic weapons Grant Wood American Gothic 1930 In America realistic representation was still common Gothic meaning a period before the renaissance the Age of faith American Gothic Midwest gothic references religion Stoic and unspeaking The American image of protestant mid20th century It s about hard work belonging in God and following American values Jackson Pollock Autumn Rhythm Number 30 1950 Encompasses the hand of the artist The entire 20th century called the definition of art into question The piece is about movement it looks very simple but the colors show a complex understanding of balance It is actually very difficult to make a piece like this without having all the colors turn to muck Barnett Newman Vir Heroicus Sublimis 1950 51 American artists take on abstraction as a way of interpreting the divine The divine is often invisible seems to be suggestive of the sacred Something about emptiness is profoundly religious The Colors are chosen very precisely gives the effect of vibrating Andy

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