GEO 121 1st Edition Lecture 31 Outline of Last Lecture II Vegetation a Forest i Evergreen ii Deciduous b Savannah c Grassland d Desert e Tundra f Highlands Outline of Current Lecture III Soil a Aridisol b Gelisol c Alfisol d Mollisol e Oxisol f Spodosol Current Lecture Soil 1 Aridisols a Desert regions b Less than half of the potential evaporation c Salinization present 2 Gelisols a Frequent freezing and thawing b Above permafrost permanently frozen subsoil c Tundra ET 2 Alfisols a Can occur in mesothermal C microthermal D b Abundant bases c Clay horizon 2 Mollisols a Grasslands b Best soils for agriculture 2 Oxisols a Tropical climates b Leached of soluble bases These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute c Thick development of iron and aluminum oxides 2 Spodosols a Low in bases b Microthermal climate types D
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