NFS 53 1st Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Last Lecture I Cooking is what other people do making sense of cooking in the modern U S a Graphs b Shifts in expenses in the US c USDA Report d From domestic servants to commercial cook what does it mean Outline of Current Lecture I Alternative meat products II Soylent III Take home portion of the final Current Lecture I Alternative meat products a https www youtube com watch v QadIFIboOvc b Open discussion on this video II Soylent a https www youtube com watch v HRDcdaQMRDc b https www youtube com watch v jTkuvppi334 c https www youtube com watch v TzR5sGCtdls d http www soylent me e Open discussion on Soylent These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III Take home portion of the final a Due April 29th b All 3 responses must be 200 250 words c Come to class Thursday with questions
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