MSU ISS 215 - Beginning of Hunger in US

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ISS 215 1st edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Definition of Poverty II What categorizes poverty III Who suffers from poverty IV Theoretical Discussion Outline of Current Lecture V An outline of poverty in the US VI Beginning of outline of Hunger in the US Current Lecture Outline Poverty in the US Who are poor in the US o One person 11 490 o Two persons 15 510 o Three persons 19 530 o Four Persons 23 550 o Five Persons 27 570 Income by race o Generally speaking African Americans are poorer than most other races However because the percentage of African Americans in the US is less than other races the actual number of poor African Americans is less than others Population below poverty Geographical distribution o Mississippi is the poorest state in the US and New Hampshire is one of the richest Highlights from 2002 o Over generalization that everyone is receiving money from the Federal government whereas only 10 percent of people in poverty are receiving any help from the federal government Highlights from 2001 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Outline Hunger What is hunger o Intake of food either low in quantity or of the wrong kind or both o Sever food insecurity a problem of limited access to adequate food in abundant society How serious is the problem o According to FAO 870 million people are hungry o Approximately 250 million children face hunger on daily bases o Hunger kills 22 000 children every day Why hunger POET Model and Hunger

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MSU ISS 215 - Beginning of Hunger in US

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