Chapters 51 Study Guide Animal Development and Reproduction Learning Objectives understand and compare the processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis understand specific features of the egg before e g egg coverings and after fertilization extraembryonic membranes understand the mechanisms associated with the egg and sperm cells during fertilization understand the key processes for each of the three main stages of development cleavage gastrulation and organogenesis become familiar with male and female reproductive structures and their functions build an understanding of the role of hormones in the male and female reproductive cycles understand what happens in the post fertilization phase I Production of gametes a Know each step of spermatogenesis and oogenesis i Spermatogenesis 1 Meiosis I 2 Meiosis II 3 Spermiogenesis ii Oogenesis 1 Oogonium Oocytogenesis 2 Primary Oocyte Meiosis I 3 First Polar Body Discarded afterward Secondary oocyte Meiosis II 4 Secondary Polar Body Discarded afterward Ovum b Make sure you can compare and contrast spermatogenesis and oogenesis i Know when primary and secondary oocytes occur during oogenesis 1 Primary oocyte meiosis I 2 Secondary oocyte meiosis II ii Know when primary secondary spermatocytes and spermatids occur during spermatogenesis 1 Primary spermatocyte mitosis 2 Secondary spermatocyte meiosis I 3 Spermatids meiosis II c When in the individual s development does meiosis I and II take place for males and females i Know what Sertoli and Leydig cells are in males a A Sertoli cell is a cell found in the testes Its main function is to help the developing sperm cells through the stages of spermatogenesis the process of turning stem cells into sperm 2 Where is sperm produced in the testes a Seminiferous tubules 1 Chapters 51 Study Guide 3 What is the structure of sperm cells a ii Know what polar bodies are in females 1 What is a follicle Graffian follicle and corpus luteum i Follicle egg with follicular cells around it ii Graffian Follicle Mature ovarian vesicle which has ruptured during ovulation to release the ovum b How do they fit in with the female reproductive cycle 2 When are eggs completely mature Be able to explain a Mature follicle cells b Secondary oocyte c Zona Pellucida 2 Chapters 51 Study Guide d Antrum II The Egg a Know the coverings of the egg i Oviparous animals Vitelline envelope formed from extracellular components Ex chicken fish turtles ii Mammals Zona pellucida formed from extracellular components iii Aquatic Species Jelly layer Ex Sea Urchin iv Specialized organelles Cortical granules b Differences in egg coverings for various organisms terrestrial and aquatic oviparous vs viviparous i Be able to label the coverings 3 Chapters 51 III IV Study Guide ii Know what the coverings are made of and what they do Extraembryonic membranes a Know the four extraembryonic membranes be able to list functions and to identify them allantois chorion yolk sac amnion 1 Allantois for collection of nitrogenous waste 2 Chorion For gas exchange 3 Yolk Sac For protection and nourishment 4 Amnion For protection and prevention of desiccation ii How do they differ between amniotes reptiles birds and mammals and fish amphibians 1 Reptiles birds and mammals shelled egg or uterus 2 Fish and amphibians eggs laid in water no special waterfilled enclosure required iii What are the differences amongst the amniotes 1 shelled egg vs uterus a Shell outside of body b Uterus inside body Fertilization a What are the requirements for fertilization to occur i Sperm and egg must meet at the same place at the same time ii Must recognize and bind to each other iii Must fuse iv Fusion has to trigger the onset of development b What are the three steps involved with fertilization i Acrosomal reaction ii Cortical reaction iii Activation of egg c Be able to describe in detail and identify main structures associated with each step i Acrosomal reaction 1 Hydrolytic enzymes released to dissolve jelly coat 2 Sperm binding proteins bind sperm to egg cell plasma membrane 3 Sperm and egg plasma membranes fuse and sperm nucleus enters the egg 4 Chapters 51 V Study Guide ii Cortical reaction 1 IP3 is released from the plasma membrane near the site of sperm fusion 2 IP2 stimulates Ca2 release from the endoplasmic reticulum 3 Ca2 stimulates exocytosis of cortical granules 4 The contents of the granules cause the vitelline layer and plasma membrane to separate and also to destroy sperm binding proteins The vitelline layer of the egg hardens a How is polyspermy blocked i By the creation of a fertilization envelope iii Egg activation What are the three stages phases of early development i Cleavage ii Gastrulation iii Organogenesis b Be able to define identify key characteristics and structures and describe the outcome of each of the following i Cleavage 1 Know what animal pole and vegetal pole means a Animal pole future ectoderm b Vegetal pole future endoderm i What is meant by complete vs incomplete cleavage meroblastic and holoblastic 1 Meroblastic incomplete II Birds and Fish 2 Holoblastic Complete 5 Chapters 51 Study Guide 2 How long does it take for cleavage to be completed a 7 days 3 Know the stages and key terminology such as 2 cell 4 cell morula blastocoels blastomeres be able to identify 4 Endpoint is blastula or blastocyst depending on the organism 5 Be able to identify label stages and structures as learned in class ii Gastrulation 1 How long does it take for Gastrulation to be completed a 10 14 days 2 Know what type of organ system s each layer endoderm ectoderm and mesoderm gives rise to a Endoderm Digestive Tube Pharynx and Respiratory Tube b Ectoderm Epidermis Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System c Mesoderm Notochord Skeletal and Muscle Cells Kidneys and Red Blood Cells 3 Know key structures and what they are blastocoel blastopore becomes anus in deuterostomes and mouth in protostomes and archenteron primitive gut 4 Endpoint is the gastrula 6 Chapters 51 VI VII Study Guide a Know the three main things that result from gastrulation i The three embryonic tissues are arranged in layers ii The gut has formed iii The major body axes have become visible 5 Be able to identify label stages and structures as learned in class iii What is embryogenesis 1 Embryogenesis is the process by which the embryo is formed and develops until it develops into a fetus iv Organogenesis a Formation of rudimentary organs b Morphogenic changes 2 Make sure you know what the following are
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