UMass Amherst KIN 215 - Kin 215 review exam 3F

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Review Ankle lower leg The Knee Thigh Hip and Pelvis Spine torso head The Knee Genu varum bow leg stress on the lateral aspect Genu valgum knock knee stress on the medial aspect Genu recurvatum stress posterior aspect Special Test Anterior drawer ACL Sprain Posterior drawer PCL Sprain Valgus MCL Sprain Varus LCL Sprain Lachman ACL tears Mcmurray Meniscus Pivot shift ACL Sprain Apleys Meniscus knee flex at 90 The Knee Q angle Angle from the head of the femur through the patella to the tibial tuberosity Female have higher Q Angle High angles put stress in the patella leading to knee pain and injury Knee Meniscus cartilage Location in between femur and tibia to articulate Function Shock absorption improve weight distribution decrease friction during knee flexion and extension Injury types Red zone there is blood flow White Zone no blood flow dead zone Longitudinal Flap Transverse Torn horn Bucket handle Thigh Hip and Pelvis Hip Pointer Mechanism Prognosis Contusion to the iliac crest and muscle that attach to the crest Most often seen in contact sports Treatment Ice and compression Stretching ice massage ultrasound Protect Thigh Hip and Pelvis Myositis Ossificans Is a result of a hematoma within the muscle that calcifies rather than heals Hernia Activties that involve planting the feet and twisting with maximal exertion can cause a tear in the soft tissue of the lower abdomen Prevalent in football and hockey Treatment rest Thigh Hip and Pelvis Primary Bones and muscles Femur ilium ischium Gluteal quads hamstrings Thigh Hip and Pelvis Treatments fracture strain sprain Rest Special tests FABER Pisiformis Strain Trendelenburg stand on one foot Gluteal Strain Thomas Hip flexor strain Obers IT band Tensor Fascia Latae TFL strain Long term concern for thigh contusion myositis ossification IT band Spine As the spinal segments progress downward they grow increasingly larger to accommodate the upright posture of the body True False Which of the following tests is NOT for sacroiliac joint dysfunction A FABER B FADIR C Compression distraction D Anterior posterior tilt Syndrome characterized by the narrowing of the spinal canal that can impinge the spinal cord resulting in burning and tingling bilaterally is known as A Neuropraxia B Spondylolisthesis C Disk herniation D Spinal stenosis The Lachman test is used to evaluate stability of the A Medial collateral ligament B Anterior cruciate ligament C Meniscus D Patellar femoral joint When squeezing the calf muscle with the leg extended and the foot hanging over the edge of the table you are performing which test for Achilles tendon rupture A Apley squeeze test B Babinski test C Compression test D Thompson test The combined motion of calcaneal eversion plantar flexion and adduction of the talus results in A Dorsiflexion B Supination C Pronation D Inversion IT Band attaches Gerdy s tubercle Spine and Torso Spine Protect the spinal cord and support the head Cervical c 1 7 Neck with wide ROM C1 atlas C2 Axis Thoracic T 1 12 Built for stability Rib cage is connecter to each Lumbar L 1 5 Built for both power and flexibility lifting twisting and bending Rib Cage Ribs 1 7 True ribs Rib 8 10 False ribs Rib 11 12 Floating Kyphosis Lordosis Excessive posterior alignment of thoracic spine Excessive anterior alignment of lumbar spine Scoliosis Excessive lateral alignment of spinal column Spine injuries C spine injuries Contact sports FB Hockey Wrestling RTP depends on the injury never return an athlete with neurological signs and symptoms Abnormal posturing Decerebrate Rigidity Damage to the brain stem Decorticate Rigidity Damage to cerebral hemispheres thalamus or midbrain Head The brain Cerebrum Cerebellum Reasoning logic emotion learning Voluntary muscle activity balance Medulla Oblogata Brain stem Involuntary activities breathing Heart rate Head injuries Skull fracture Battle signs Raccoon eyes Mandible Fracture Orbital and zygomatic fracture Concussion Dizziness Ringing in the ear tinnitus Nausea Blurred or double vision Sensitivity to light Retrograde Loss of memory before TBI Anterograde Loss of memory since the injury

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UMass Amherst KIN 215 - Kin 215 review exam 3F

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