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The Athletic Training Profession and Administration Roles skill set for an Athletic Trainer injury illness prevention diagnosis intervention and rehabilitation health care professional who provides treatment under the direction of a physician according to Definition of Athletic Trainer state rules and regulations Settings for work Organized athletics school professional semi prof Clinical and hospital setting sports med centers Industrial and occupational settings Government Sports Medicine Team Primary athlete trainer team physician coaches parent family members Other physician specialists dentist pt sport psc Secondary Basic Anatomy and Physiology Legal issues Anatomy Functions of skin bone muscles tendons ligaments cartilage and fascia Skin Bone protection Protection organs Movement muscle attached for movement metabolism produce blood cells store minirals provides support to your organs muscles tendons ligaments tissues nerves joints and bones lever system for body Muscle to bone bone to bone Muscle Tendon Ligament Cartilage Facia tissues found at end of long bone absorb shock smooth joint movement Types of joint motions Diathrodial Synovial highly mobile hinge joints knee elbow multiaxial ball and socket hip and shoulder Amphiarthrodial cartilaginous joints ribs at sternum Synarthiarl fibrous joins immovable skull Types of bones Axial Spine skull Appendicular limbs extremities Anatomical Planes frontal sagittal transverse Signs of Inflammation pain redness warmth swelling loss of function Stages of tissue and bone repair and healing Soft tissue stage 1 phagocytes take away dead white blood cells fight infection platelets clot blood stage2 fibroblast builds scar tissue and regenerates tissue stage3 remodeling making tissue to withstand stress Bone stage 1 osteclats eat debris and resorb into body add a new layer repair callus formation remodeling EXCLUDE WOUND BONE FRACTURE TYPES Chronic soft tissue injuries Synovitis Bursitis myositis tendonitis injury to synovial lining inflammation of the bursa sac inflammation of muscle tissue INFLAMMATION OF TENDON Organs in the quadrants of the abdomen RUQ Liver gallbladder RLQ Appendix LUQ Spleen stomach LLQ Emergency Care Emergency Action Plan Person in charge team physician trainer coach phone numbers supplies and equipments EMS access Specific to each facility evacuation of each facility counseling other considerations Primary Assessment Assessing for life threatening injuries Airway breathing circulation Secondary assessment Assessment of non life threatening injuries History Inspection What when where how Previous injuries vital signs observe athletes body surroundings look for signs of concern bleeding deformity browsing swelling Testing ROM testing muscular testing Preventing Communicable Disease Transmission Wash hands frequently use gloves clean surfaces biohazard containers sharps containers one way valve mask for CPR Signs and symptoms of illness injuries Blood pressure Average 120 80 Body temperature Average 98 6 Heart rate Breathing rate 12 20 BPM Basic First Aid care Control bleeding Wound care 1 Apply direct pressure 2 elevate 3 apply bandage 4 pressure point Wound care Gloves use soap water Shock definition signs symptoms and care EXCLUDE TYPES OF SHOCK Def inadequate amount of blood and oxygen Signs agitation rapid weak pulse decreased bp cold skin Symptoms nausea thirst anxiety dizziness NTAD Care Treat initial injury keep warm elevate legs reassess breathing and pulse Protection Rest Ice Compression Elevation Support Splinting Fractures Principles Traction Splint Rigid splint Box aluminium Semirigid Soft splint vacuum splint pillows sling PRICES Axial injuries Preventing Head Injuries Helmets Skull fractures0 Mouth guards Dental injuries concusion spacing shocj Mechanisms of head injuries impact rotation injury to brain stem Concussions impact to head impairment of brain function Treating Face injuries Lacerations bursting of blood vessle cut in skin or flesh direct pressure stores Contusions black eye blow to eye bleed discoloration Detached retina blow to eye pressure in retina detached pain flash of light laser surgery Blowout fracture blow to eye eyeball forced backwards into socket Hemaoma Auris cauliflower ear internal beeding in the pinna Ruptured Eardrum tear in tympatic membrane Existaxis nosebleed Nasal Fracture fracture in nasal region Preventing throat and thorax injuries Throat protectors shoullder pads chest protectors certified equipment goal is to disperse impact Hyperventilation Quick deep breathing loss of co2 SX loghtheadness numbness loss of consciousness Tx Control breathing rate Exercise induced asthma Bronchi spasm and narrowing of airways Sx Wheezing coughing chest tightness cynaosis mucus tx stop activity control breathing Rib Fracture Direct impact contraction sx pain difficult breathing pain inhale Tx ice x ray restriction from playing

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UMass Amherst KIN 215 - The Athletic Training Profession and Administration

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