Arth 112 1st Edition Lecture 25 Current Lecture These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Jean Antoine Watteau 1721 The Signboard of Gersaint Has an allegorical affect almost pretentious Shows wealthy people connoisseurs Blonde man is observing a painting of nudes most likely studying the quality of the brushstrokes Narcissism plays a huge part in this painting Many of the figures are looking at themselves in mirrors Francois Boucher Diana Resting After the Bath 1742 Rococo painting Background is related to a Utopia nowhere Intimate and erotic She is painted as a virgin a life very intentionally without men Painting is non narrative in the traditional sense Fabric is decorative simply in the image to be beautiful Even the dead animals in the corner are beautified Francois Boucher Rape of Europa 1734 In the story a god in love with Europa turned himself into a bull and came down to the valley where she and her maidens bathed He was such a beautiful bull that Europa and her maidens sat on and around him and he roared off with her Extremely sexual overtones Cupids are fat lazy and simply dropping arrows otium Some of the cupid babies even have cellulite Jean Simeon Chardin The Governess 1739 Middle upper class that is a little more strung up Paintings focus on virtue and how one should behave Duchess is telling a young boy to put away his toys Emphasis on children infant mortality was high but lowering So mothers would grieve when their babies died o Affection for children is more evident Locus amoneus the place of love pleasure Riots of roses roses everywhere The ontology of the space is peculiar Nothing is substantial and the scenery seems fairy tale like Lover must storm the castle of love sexual overtones of course
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