Reli 104 1st Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture II Definitions III The two primary soteriological models IV The occasion and purpose of Galations V The occasion and purpose of Roman Outline of Current Lecture VI Paul s mission VII The community in Corinth Current Lecture These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute I Paul s mission His modus operandi o Paul appears to have been a laborer somebody who had to work for a living not rich poor craftsman According to book of acts worked with leather goods He doesn t say what he did except that he worked with his hands all the time Often said that he was a tent maker used to be made of leather o modus operandi go into city and start small business and use work place as opportunity to preach his message to customers people who came into his shop Never talks about setting up a soap box to preach to crows never indicates that he was a pit preacher didn t go into synagogues Worked with hands and used opportunity to preach to them o if he converted somebody person may bring family friends by and convert people by making contacts with people o probably went into synagogue but didn t say anythinga bout it o letters barely say anything about Jesus and his life and teachings Argue this because he had no occasion to because the letters are occasional o message isn t about life and teachings of Jesus about death and resurrection Is this fundamentally different than what Jesus preached His audience o Those who came into shop friends and families His message o message directed towards gentiles Emphasis suggests that preaching in synagogue wasn t a major thing to him o Gentiles are non Jews Pagans Those who worshiped many gods o message one true god the god of Jesus and Jesus is god s son Its Jesus death and resurrection that make you right with this god and be baptized o don t know how much he told converts about Jesus himself His letters o problems in churches would send them letters giving advice and solving problems o example Galations churches drawn to different understanding of gospelhave to be Jewish if you are a follower of Jesus Paul was aggravated about this b c he thought this view was wrong o love to have letters from opponents Christians o have only 7 letters of Paul he must have written more why do we only have the 7 o 2 letters are directed to cornith II The community in Corinth Founding of the church o Corinth major city in Greece on north east part of Pelapanyes major city in ancient world had a bad reputation in ancient world among highly religious people had a great reputation of people that weren t religious Sin palace of ancient world catered to peoples pleasures o went into Corinth set up business converted people and started a church Make up of the church o no evidence that Christians in Corinth were Jewish Pagans o after he established the church stayed there for a good while In book of acts there for 1 5 years 18 months o leaves Corinth and goes to Ephesus where he was starting a church and heard about probs in Corinth Problems in the Church o Paul s Sources of information Chloe s People 1 11 don t know who Chloe is woman Her people slaves who have gone to Ephesus to do business She has slaves that are business managers that take care of her resources and go to Ephesus on business and meet with Paul Has heard from them that the church is highly fragmented no unity Private Letter 7 1 paul refers to this letter with no respect to the things with which you wrote quote something from letter asked something about sexual relations Paul says it is good for a man not to touch a women but if people are married you should have sex o Issues in the Church learns from these sources of info 16 chapters long times when argument is convoluted first argument chapters 1 4 are dealing with probem of divisions in church Different Christians in church are claiming aligence to different spiritual leaders must be different churches in Corinth Christians met in private homes meaning if you have more than 20 have to have more than one house your meeting in one saying follow gospel of Paul another follow gospel of Peter splitting alegence Bad thing b c whole point in being one with Christ is having unity with Christ sexual improprieties Chs 5 7 boy Is sleeping with his step mother in chapter 6 men in church are visiting prostitutes and bragging about it In Ch7 some people say you shouldn t even have sex with your spose really holy sexless existence lawsuits ch 6 taking one another to court cause they are so at odds with each other Meat offered to idols Ch 8 10 in ancient world most people didn t eat meat b c it was expensive If meat was purchased always meat that came from animals that had been sacrificed to the gods In Pagan world butchers were Pagan priests Would sacrifice animals when worshipers came to put up offering to Gods sacrifice then have a party with food and wine If meat is left over priest would sell it on street to support themesle problem people who are saying that you shouldn t buy this meets b c its been offered to Pagan gods idols If you take it participating in Pagan idolship others saying it doesn t matter if you take the meat b c appall doesn t exist Women s Headcoverings ch 11 worshipes in the church Women in Corinth are saying that everyone is equal in Christ no reason for women to appear different from men shouldn t have to wear vails lords supper ch 11 get together 1 wk for potluck supper its showing divisions in church b c some people are coming early and getting stuffed drunk Others coming late and getting nothing Spiritual Gifts CH12 14 Paul thought end is coming really soon Church isnto only around for little while but how is it supposed to operate God has made provision for church to Developemtn of worship in the short term when baptized person is united with Christ and when untied given the spirit spirit gives someone a gift Gift in GreekCharisma spirit gift is gifts to help community function better together Doctrinal disputs Ch 15 problem about the resurrection makes sense of all the others problems Christians in Corinth who think that the resurrection has always happened But these peop e think that they woo have been raised from the dead and experiencing full benefits of salvation now No future resurrection Paul s Solutions o salvation comes from weak and foolish speak don t follow spiritual leaders
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