UNC-Chapel Hill RELI 104 - Paul's Understanding of Salvation

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Reli 104 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture II Problems in reconstructing the historical Paul III A brief biographical sketch Outline of Current Lecture IV Definitions V The two primary soteriological models VI The occasion and purpose of Galations VII The occasion and purpose of Romans Current Lecture I Definitions Salvation how did Paul think a person could be made right with god o question whether this is really like Jesus or not Bear in mind what Jesus message was be ready cause judgment day is near think of this in relationship to Paul o Paul is preaching after death of Jesus Paul converted to be a follower of Jesus 3 years after Jesus death Comes to believe he has been raised from the dead and he is the one favored by god not cursed by him and the death of Jesus is part of divine god o salvation using it in broad sense Mean how a person is made right with god so that they will have a glorious after life Not using it in specific sense that Paul himself used it Paul used term salvation in a specific sense if you ask Paul are you saved or have you been saved Paul would say NO b c for Paul salvation means what is going to happen when Jesus returns When he returns from heaven going to be a cataclysmic event where forces of evil will be destroyed and people will be judged Those siding with Jesus will be saved being saved is whats going to happen when Jesus returns Soteriology the study of a person s understanding of salvation in broad general sense o how paul understood act of salvation Had different ways of understanding how death and resurrection has any bearing on you Could think that that is great for Jesus but what does that have to do with me Paul thought it had to do with the human race generally not just to Jesus Death and resurrection of Jesus are the essential elements for how a person is made right with god for Paul But has different ways for imagining how the death and resurrection of Jesus affects you others These are models of salvation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute or soteriological models 2 major ones but have others LOOK IN BOOK Kind of like analogies likens them to something else II The two primary soteriological models The forensic model justification by faith o sometimes called Judicial model o forensic of or pertaining to a court of law o in this model Paul imagines that your salvation is like being set free by a court of law when put on trial Put on trial you are guilty but you are let off the hook judicial decision made by god o sometimes called justification by faith o sometimes given justification by faith apart from the wors of the law o how model works people have a problem sin an act of disobedience God has given a law you have broken the law by disobeying what god demands what sin is in this model judicial b c god is a law giver and you are guilty of breaking the law Christ death payment of the penalty owed by others Christ died to pay penalty for your sin So you broke the law and this brings a death sentence why you are going to die People die b c they sin Christ death was a substitute for yours died in your place Christ s resurrection demonstration that payment has been accepted Because the penalty is payed he is risen from the dead and doesn t have to die Appropriation trusting acceptance faith Accept the payment Christ died for you and you don t accept it then the penalty isn t payed Have to accept it and that s what paul means by faith Faithtrusting acceptance of Christ death as a payment of your sins You trust that Christ death will pay for your sins That show you appropriate the death of jesus Ehtical response reciprocal love natural ethical response to Jesus death If you accept this you give up yourself for others just as Jesus gave up himself for your sake Natural ethical corary that you should live for other people not just for yourself imitation of Christ o Justification is a word that is hard to explain in English Same word as righteousness Righteousness doesn t mean being a really good person means being right with God If your right with god you have righteousness Something you get when you believe in jesus IF you are justified you have been made right with god Your justified by having faith in Christ death not by doing the Jewish law Doesn t matter if you keep kosher or been circumsized Not saying that you should break all the laws b c god gave the ten commandments and he expects you to do them But there are laws that make Jews Jewish that have nothing to do with gentiles Gentiles don t have to do those things b c doing the law doesn t make you right with god justified without doing the Jewish law The participationist model union with Christ o little bit harder to understand closely rooted with Pauls apocalyptic world view Forces of evil in world that are trying to control people sin is a demonet power that is trying to enslave you to make you do things wrong cosmic power not act of obedience Same way for this model o how it works sin a cosmic power problem with humans have in this model is that they are enslaved to sin Sin is a power that is more powerful than you it has enslaved you and it forces you to do things wrong and you cant stop it Problem is sin but its that you are compelled to do things wrong christ s death victory over the power of sin When Jesus died he took sin into himself and he died and that killed the power of sin so that sin no longer has to have power if they are connected to Christ Christ s resurrection defeat of the power of death and all the powers Sin is a cosmic power and death is ultimate cosmic power that is trying to enslave you When it gets you it eniliates you Jesus obviously conquered the power of death and reason its obvious is b c he rose from the dead more powerful then death If jesus conquered death greatest power then he conquered all other powers Appropriation participation through baptism being united with Christ Paul thinks that people only who have put their faith in christ can be baptized At baptism something actually happens to them mystically united with Christ Just as Christ was put into a tomb you are put into the water you have died with Christ b c you have been united with Christ in his death It unites you with Christ If you are united with Christ and he overcame sin …

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