UIUC ARTH 112 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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Arth 112 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Pontormo Entombment or Deposition 1525 28 colors are pronounced lighting caresses the figures figure at the bottom holding jesus almost accusing breaking the fourth wall Jesus is off center Jesus more dull than the rest of them Marys gestures are theatrical Fingers very long Exemplifies the La Maniera Mannerism style of painting Started in Florence breaks the norms of painting set by Renaissance art emphasizes inventiveness of artists Emotionally unsettling Art is Artifice These figures seem to have no weight to their body We tend to think of the high ren of a place of stability and balance but in this painting there is a sense of alot of things happening at once creating a place where our eyes can really rest upon This is not an art piece based on nature and gives a sense of artificiality that is very typical of mannerism These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Parmigianino Francesco Mazola Madonna With The Long Neck 1535 Madonna has a long neck and is covered in jewels which is a very unusual and secular portrayal of her Other Oriental exotic images are included as well Sensual atmosphere The body positions of Jesus Mary are an ode to Michelangelo s Pieta The Painting is provocative Mary s neck hands are exaggerated emphasis on these erogenous zones Jesus doesn t look like a baby rather a prepubescent boy Too old it s weird Figure in the back is unfinished Lots of exaggerations Scroll but not reading Column there for no reason Weirdness mystery is essential to this piece Does not follow typical renaissance conventions is absorptive figure looks out at us so viewer is engaged reaches out to us Does not have pyramidal compositional structure Latin inscription I can t be absolved Venetian Paintings focus on nudity non religious paintings so there is more freedom with nudity thicker coats of paint looser application of brush marks Stronger emphasis on landscape rather than figures Narrative is the mood pastoral depicting scenes with shepherds working in fields music nursing child returning to antiquital educational values paintings aren t morally instructive arcadian simpler time and simpler life land of dreams and wishes Not clear or precise detail its a mood Purpose is not to tell story Giorgione Titian The Pastoral Concert 1536 41 The mood is characterized by the vaguely impressionistic style Landscape paintings are romanticized in Venice since there are no real landscapes in the city return to innocence and return to antiquity arcadia land of dreams and wishes related to learning the classics Implied music in the scenery pastoral way of life Getting water Giorgione The Tempest 1510 A gypsy woman nursing her child shows pastoral idea His paintings are mysterious to us he was working for a clientele that was looking for more than the typical religious subject matter a new type of subject where iconography and symbolism isn t standard the young man is identified as a soldier and a shepard Typical venetian architecture behind them no narrative or true subject rather the picture is composed of several elements of fragmented narratives art for art s sake evocative but not explicit this painting has no particular meaning there are a whole range of interpretations for this painting oil paint is used to create an atmosphere full of humidity oil paint is more dense and opaque This painting is mostly the space between the figures this painting is meant to engage us Titian Venus of Urbino 1538 The painting was made for a rich man the woman depicted is one that he was to marry soon Guidobaldo della Rovere to Giulia Verano So that he could look lustfully upon her until they were married only meant for his eyes She is an object of interest and beauty makes passive eye contact with the viewer Breaks 4th wall Dog represents her loyalty Fido fidelity pearl earring symbolizes her purity as a virgin Maid and girl are representative of domesticity supposedly they are digging through a marriage chest they act as a counterbalance to the venus and venus becomes a relief for the eye chest symbol given to newlyweds Cover up blatant nudity by calling her Venus Privately commissioned painting she is given the name of venus much later and is used more as a protective title due to its nude subject matter everything within this painting is sexual however the most sexual aspect of this painting is the softness of her skin this is created by using a glazing technique within the painting the canvas is divided into two so our eyes move down her body figures in the background balance the mass of her body its only when we pay close attention when we realize problems such as how small her feet are Baroque Architecture in Rome Donato Bramante Tempietto Church of San Pietro in Montorio 1502 10 Commissioned by Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille this was a reliquary beginnings of baroque architecture he included elements that are no necessary but only includes them for visual effect Key piece of architecture for the time this particular church was influential for future architecture Harmonized the forms from antiquity and the Renaissance Very classical style Influenced by surrounding Temples Of Hercules Temple of Fortuna Virilis and the remains of temple Vesta Constructed with decorative entablatures and baluster Dome structures circles within circles have cosmic significance St Peter founder of the Roman church first pope was crucified where the church was built Carlo Maderno Sta Susanna Facade R597 1603 Il Ges Rome Giacomo della Porta 1575 84 Occupied by Society of Jesus Modernly known as Jesuits Take an extra vow of purity poverty and as soldiers of the pope Defenders of the Religion The church was built in a location that the pope would pass on his daily route routine Early baroque style exaggeration engaged columns in facade architecture projects more as it reaches the door building gets thicker Contains smaller unconnected chapel rooms Colossal pillars gilded gold Very magnificent Colossal refers to pillars that rise more than 1 story Corinthian towers outside Facade rises quite higher than the ceiling behind it It is shallow but incredibly complex and detailed It calls your attention to the abstract architecture of the linear and horizontal planes volutes little curls transition narrow to wider decorative elements articulate style early baroque very

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