WVU BCOR 370 - Exam 3 Study Guide

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BCOR 370 1st Edition Exam 3 Study Guide What are ways in which you can manage a global environment Multinational corporations MNCs which would be having one and only one main headquarter Transnational corporations TNCs or all branches are equal headquarters The last way would be to have a borderless corporation What techniques can you use to manage a global environment Techniques that can be used consist of exporting licensing joint venture and direct investing What are problems faced when managing global environments Social environment problems are faced such as cultural differences and language barriers Economic environment challenges would include infrastructure resource and product markets and exchange rates Finally legal political environment difficulties like political risk and instability and laws and regulations What are Hofstede s cultural differences Hofstede s cultural differences are power distance individualism vs collectivism uncertainty avoidance materialism short term vs long term orientation What is leadership A process of influence for the directing of behavior toward the accomplishment of objectives What is power What types of power are there Power is the capacity to influence Types of power consist of reward power coercive power legitimate power legitimate power expert power referent power What are the types of leaders Explain each The types of leaders include strongman transactor visionary hero and superleader The strongman s focus is commands Their type of power is position and authority the subordinate response is fear The transactor s focus and power is rewards The subordinate response is calculative compliance The visionary hero s focus is vision The type of power they have is relational and inspirational the subordinate response is emotional commitment The superleader s focus is self leadership The power they have is shared and their subordinate response is commitment based on ownership What is the trait approach of leadership The trait approach is based on the assumption that good leaders are born and not made Individuals with certain personal characteristics make the best leaders Some of these characteristics include trustworthiness good motivator good communication skills charisma taller height good looking What is the behavioral approach to leadership The behavioral approach is an attempt to isolate and identify behaviors common to effective leaders Such behaviors could be systemized and taught Thus people can be trained to become effective leaders Ohio State and the University of Michigan did research on influential behavior Ohio State came up with initiating structure and consideration University of Michigan came up with employee orientation and production orientation The leadership grid displays concerns for people and concerns for production What is the contingency approach to leadership The contingency approach is the appropriate leader behavior is the behavior of a specific situation What is Fiedler s contingency theory Fiedler believes that the leader is task orientated or relationship orientated He believes that the situation can either be favorable or unfavorable Task orientated should be labeled as favorable or unfavorable and relationship orientated should be labeled as moderate He also believes that leaders cannot change behavior What is the Hersey and Blanchard s situational leadership model It is based on interplay among the amount of guidance and direction task behavior the amount of socio emotional support relationship behavior and the readiness level of the followers This model is displayed in the book in chapter 13 page 339 What is self leadership Self leadership is a process through which people influence themselves to achieve the selfdirection and self motivation needed to perform What are some behavior focused strategies Some behavior focused strategies are self observation self goal setting self rewards selfcorrecting feedback self punishment practice and self cueing How do natural reward strategies help Natural reward strategies build more pleasant and enjoyable features into a given task or activity They also focus attention on the naturally rewarding aspects of the task What are constructive thought strategies Constructive thought strategies are thought patterns One type of thought pattern is opportunity thinking which is a focus on worthwhile challenges opportunities and constructive approaches to difficult and unpleasant situations A second type is obstacle thinking or a focus on reason to give up and retreat from problems and difficulties What is self talk Self talk is what we covertly tell ourselves What is mental imagery Mental imagery is the creation and symbolic experience of behavioral outcomes prior to actual performance What are beliefs and assumption They are irrational inaccurate or dysfunctional beliefs and assumptions can result in distorted thought processes that hinder personal effectiveness and often lead to depression What is management Management is the process of achieving goals through and with other people What are some people aspects of management People aspects of management include individual behavior teams motivation leadership communication Why do we need to understand behavior We need to understand behavior so that we can explain predict and direct What are two theories of behavior The behavioral view which is classical conditioning and operant conditioning and the cognitive view which is the social cognitive theory What is reinforcement theory Reinforcement theory is a theory that says behavior is determined by environmental factors such as stimulus response consequence and future response What makes up social cognitive theory Social cognitive theory is made up of self efficacy self regulation vicarious learning and the triadic reciprocal model What is the triadic reciprocal model The triadic reciprocal model demonstrates that reinforcement cognitive process and behavior are all related to one another What is perception Perception is the process of interpreting one s environment Perception is important because behavior is based of reality not reality What is personality Personality is a stable and unique pattern of traits characteristics and resulting behaviors that gives an individual his or her identity What makes up the Myers Briggs personality indicator The Myers Briggs personality indicator is made up of the following personality trait options Extroversion E vs Introversion I Intuitive N vs

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