KIN 122 1st Edition Behavior Change Lecture 7 Remember PA stats Majority of adults do not meet PA guidelines Most people know PA is beneficial yet most remain sedentary 50 of people who begin exercise programs drop out within the first 6 months Complexity of PA behavior PA not single act but several Planning for participation Initial adoption Continued participation maintenance Periodicity stops starts seasonal variation Motivation and attitude are not the only reasons people are inactive Often have good intentions but lack self regulation Intentions indication of a person s readiness to perform a given behavior Self regulation ability to regulate behaviors Barriers to PA Anything that interferes with plans to be physically active Common barriers Time constraints No one to exercise with Not enjoyable Bad weather Too tired Injury illness Lack of accessible facilities Categories of barriers Personal Demographic Cognitive Environmental Social Exercise History and Exertion Barriers Psychosocial determinants of PA Outcome expectations Attitude Decisional balance Self efficacy Motivation Social norms Locus of control Determinant factor that influences behavior Outcome expectations Belief that a given behavior will produce a specific outcome E g if I job for 30 minutes 5 days a week I will lose weight Effects on PA participation Those with high outcome expectations tend to be more active Unrealistic outcome expectations may lead to attrition Make sure expectations are realistic for the behavior and time frame Attitude Attitude degree to which exercise is positively or negatively valued More positive attitude more likely to engage in PA Choose enjoyable activities Reframe thoughts to view PA as a positive experience Decisional balance Decisional balance comparison of potential benefits and costs of engaging in exercise Make list of pros and cons Hopefully the benefit e g losing weight will outweigh the costs e g missing a TV show Self efficacy SE Situation specific belief in one s ability to accomplish a task The MOST consistent determinant of exercise adherence Four sources of self efficacy Mastery experiences success breeds success Social modeling seeing similar other succeed Social persuasion motivation from others Interpretation of physiological and psychological responses reduced stress How to target SE sources Mastery Set small short term goals in order to be successful early and often Modeling Join an exercise class with others of similar ability Persuasion Tell family and friends about exercise accomplishments so they can provide encouragement Interpretation Keep an activity log and monitor feelings before and after exercise Outcome expectations vs efficacy expectations Outcome expectation If I run 3 miles 4 times a week I will reduce my risk of developing cardiovascular disease Efficacy expectation I believe I have the capability to run 3 miles 4 times a week even if the weather gets bad Motivation Direction and intensity of one s effort An impetus to action Two types Extrinsic motivation Motivated by reasons outside of oneself Intrinsic motivation Engage in activity in the absence of external incentives Social norms Perceived social pressure to engage or not engage in a behavior Sources of social pressure Pressure will be strongest when the source is someone you care about or want to please Is pressure a good thing for exercise behavior Yes if it is a close significant other and he she values exercise No if it is a close significant other and he she doesn t value exercise Locus of control Belief about what controls behaviors Internal locus of control Believe you control your life and decisions Attribute success to the amount of effort you put in not to luck E g You believe you can make time for physical activity by scheduling it into your day External locus of control Believe environment other people or some higher power control your life and decisions E g You say you aren t physically active because your parents didn t enroll you in sports as a child Other influences on PA Social support Support from family friends and significant others An exercise buddy can reinforce commitment Surround yourself with others who support an active lifestyle Physical environment Neighborhood safety and walkability Access to exercise facilities walking trails etc Stages of change Before we can change a health behavior i e PA we need to understand what stage an individual is currently in Will determine approach techniques strategies for changing PA level Precontemplation No intention to change behavior in the foreseeable future Do not see the value in exercising Strategies for moving forward Make aware of lack of PA Emphasize benefits and minimize costs Health risk appraisals and fitness testing could prompt contemplation Contemplation Aware of the benefits of exercise Have not yet made a commitment to take action Intend to change behavior within the next 6 months Strategies for moving forward Bolster intentions to become active Preparation Intend to take action in the next month Preparing for exercise Checking out local gyms buying workout clothes May be making small changes in PA levels already E g taking the stairs Strategies to move forward Tipping of cost benefit scale Increasing self efficacy Setting goals Plan to overcome barriers Action Individuals are exercising at recommended levels for health and fitness Requires considerable commitment of time and energy At high risk of dropping out of exercise program Strategies to move forward Self monitoring Social support Reinforcement Maintenance Exercise program has been maintained for at least 6 months Individuals work to prevent relapse Typically highly confident in ability to maintain regular exercise Strategies to maintain PA Self regulation Tactics to prevent relapse Behavior change strategies Even the most motivated individuals will have times when they don t feel like exercising Ongoing process of monitoring and adapting behavior Maintainers are adept at using behavior change strategies Successful changers Self monitoring Small goals Minimizing temptations Play offense not defense schedule Prep Physical cues running shoes by the doors Have the tools Have better habits Learn from the past Behavior change strategies Goal setting Overcoming barriers Behavioral cues to action Self monitoring Reinforcement Relapse prevention Goal setting Effective behavior change tool Focus and direct activity Link behavior to desired outcome Types process
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