HD 341 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture II Developmentally Appropriate Practice III National Association for the Education of Young Children IV 3 Core Considerations V 12 Principles of Child Development and Learning That Inform Practice VI 5 Guidelines for DAP VII Framework for Decision Making Outline of Current Lecture II Developmental Egocentrism III Autonomy IV Vygotsky V Multiple Intelligences VI Neuroscience and nurturing relationships Current Lecture Developmental Egocentrism young children are egocentric as a result of limited development o ex cannot understand when they are causing other people physical pain understand events from own perspective o unable to understand their own intense immediate and personal need can be felt by others o we need to know this and apply difficulty accommodating the viewpoints of others results as the inability to understand complex social situations Autonomy governed by oneself the ability to make intelligent ethical decisions is essential to a democratic society o help children learn how to make good choices Autonomy is best supported through accepting children where they are right now and using guidance strategies to move them to where they will be later toddlers cannot feel another child s pain but we know they can feel empathy o that s how we help them move to another level Lev Vygotsky These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute development occurring through social interactions zone of proximal development o when an activity is within a child s zone of proximal development ZPD the teacher or more knowledgeable peers can scaffold the experience to promote development Private Speech Vygotsky private speech allows children to try out new ideas allowing them to become their own teacher o realized private speech allows for cognition Gardner s Multiple Intelligences intelligence is not just a score on a card o you can be very good at multiple things and not good at other things o you don t just have to be good at math to be smart etc MI and Guidance intrapersonal intelligence o encourage expression of emotions preferences thinking strategies o help with understanding of wishes fears abilities o creativity and personal expression interpersonal intelligence o social interaction cooperation personal problem solving conflict management o games to figure out intentions and emotions o frequent class meetings and small group experience Emotional Intelligence Solvey and Grewal 2005 o the ability to perceive emotion integrate emotion to facilitate thought understand emotions regulate emotions to promote personal growth if you can do these things you can be emotionally intelligent o they saw this idea as static you have it or you don t Goleman 2010 o self awareness self management social awareness relationship management o EI refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships o it describes abilities distinct from but complementary to academic intelligence o purely cognitive capacities measured by IQ Neuroscience and nurturing relationships the most important experiences for building we build brains we aren t just given everything genetically and that s all we get Attachment Theory the lasting psychological connectedness between human beings Bowlby 1982 o we need this as human beings for survival and mental health o genes do not stop developing after birth they are constantly active well into the first year Mind in the Making Neuroplasticity the brains ability to build itself from experiences 70 if the brain neural architecture forms after birth dual functions of the genes template function working of genes to build basic structure of brain
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