WSU HD 341 - The Guidance Transition

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HD 341 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I None Outline of Current Lecture II Early Pioneers III Turn of the Century Influences IV Mid Century Influences V The Constructivists VI Self Psychologists VII Guidance Current Lecture Early Pioneers John Comenius 17th century o Teachers should encourage students not make them fear their teachers Johann Pestalozzi 18th Century o realized that authoritarian teaching wasn t the most effective Robert Owen argued that young children should be cared for and educated before becoming industrial workers Punishment will never be required and should be avoided as much as giving poison in their food Fredrich Froebel 19th Century the father of kindergarten Said teachers need to stop seeing children as mischievous and spiteful and realize that their behavior is instead an over exuberant sense of life Turn of the Century Maria Montessori looked down on prizing and punishment John Dewey These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute we learn in communities passion for children doing real and relevant work Mid Century Influences Jean Piaget beneficial to groups and beneficial to self feeling of belonging The Constructivists David Elkind the child is a gift of nature image of man s creation we must fight against the false images that threaten the healthy education of young children Sue Bredekamp it is our responsibility to seek out and intentionally plan the best opportunities for children that support their over all well being and healthy development Developmentally Appropriate Practice DAP o Comprehensive educational perspective o Supports optimal healthy development for every child o Essential in guiding the decisions we make for young children The Self Psychologists The developing self is dynamic in human behavior schools must address the selfconcept of learners and not just academics Students need to be involved or else they will act out Alfred Adler first 5 years are important in development a key life task is an individual s effort to overcome the inferior life position of the child Lillian Katz self esteem does NOT equal narcissism self esteem feelings derived from evaluations of self rather than preoccupation with oneself and how one is perceived by others Howard Gardner multiple intelligences musical body kinesthetic logical mathematical linguistic spatial interpersonal intrapersonal naturalistic Guidance teaching children to learn from their mistakes rather than punishing them for making mistakes teaching children to solve problems rather than punishing children for having problems they cannot solve children cannot generalize knowledge so we have to teach over and over again guidance empowers the encouraging classroom in which all children feel fully accepted as capable members and learners guidance facilitates an interactive learning environment which the adult functions as a responsive leader and the child engages in an ongoing process of constructing meaning through developmentally appropriate activities we don t know what something is until we have experienced it o see smell touch taste hear guidance assists children to take pride in their developing personal and cultural identities and to view differing human qualities as sources of affirmation and learning guidance places healthy emotional social and cultural development on par with cognitive development in the curriculum o individuals existing in a social world guidance links together teacher parent and child as an interactive team

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WSU HD 341 - The Guidance Transition

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