MSU ISS 215 - Intro to Poverty

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ISS 215 1st edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Theoretical Discussion II Consequences Outline of Current Lecture III Definition of Poverty IV What categorizes poverty V Who suffers from poverty VI Theoretical Discussion Current Lecture What is poverty Absolute poverty refers to a situation when a household cannot maintain some minimum standard of living The standard of living is different is different in every country and so every country has a different definition of being poor In the United States we categorize poverty based on income per household Economic Indicators GNP Average Income These indicators are misleading because we do not take into account the extreme incomes Social Indicators Longevity o Infant Mortality Rate number of children who die before reaching age 1 o Child Mortality number of children who die before reaching age 5 o Life Expectancy on average how long to expect to live in a country Access to Knowledge o Literacy Rates o Educational Achievements These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Standard of Living o Access to health services o Access to safe water o Percent of malnourished children o Overall condition of the living unit Drinking water story Total Poor People South Asia 596 Million East Asia 316 Million Sub Saharan Africa 388 Million Latin America 45 Million Europe and Central Asia 17 Million Middle East and North Africa 11 Million Who are these people Rural o Landless Laborers o Tenants o Small Farmers have no land so work for someone else o All rural people in areas with scarce land low production droughts floods People in Urban Slums Women experience poverty out of proportion every other single mother in the US faces poverty Children Senior Citizens Theoretical Discussion Global Level Modernization Theory influenced my right wing ideology o Think that poor people are responsible for their own poverty o Suggests that poor nations didn t go through industrialization urbanization process o Poverty and Prosperity is the responsible of the countries themselves World System Perspective influenced by left wing ideology o Development Underdevelopment is NOT internal to those nations it is EXTERNAL rich nations are responsible for bringing up other countries Individual Level Popular views of poverty o Generally the culture tends to view poor people as lazy or uneducated o Claim that the poor had choices but picked the wrong ones Biological Explanations o Social Darwinism Culture of Poverty Structural Functional Perspective Conflict Perspective

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MSU ISS 215 - Intro to Poverty

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