NCSU BIO 105 - Biosphere

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BIO 105 1st Edition Lecture 1 Biology Study of life Biosphere sum total of the places in which organisms live all the ecosystems Abiotic Factors Vs Biotic Factors Abiotic Factors nonliving Solar energy water temperature wind and disturbances Biotic Factors living predation and competition The Atmosphere Outer Mesosphere Middle Stratosphere ozone layer Inner Troposphere where air is warmed greenhouse effect T Trees helpful way to remember which is closer Also can remember it in alphabetical order from the outer layer to the inner layer Ozone Thinning Early spring and summer ozone layer over Antarctica thins Climate average weather condition in a region Affected by amount of incoming solar radiation prevailing winds elevation Industrial Smog Gray Smog When you think of a factory building it is usually described to be a gray colored building the smog that comes out of the industrialized building is also gray Cities that burn large amounts of coal and heavy fuel oils Main component Sulfur Oxides These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Photochemical Smog Brown Smog Automobile exhaust Important component nitrogen oxide Freshwater Biomes Eutrophic shallow nutrient rich has high primary productivity E for excellent because it is nutrient rich and has high primary productivity E comes before O in the alphabet when you walk from the outer to inner part of the lake it is shallow to deep Oligotrophic Deep nutrient poor has low primary productivity O comes after E in the alphabet when you walk from the outer to inner part of the lake you get to the deep part AFTER you go through the shallow part Effect on species number moving from equator fewer Tundra Arctic permafrost lies beneath surface Alpine no underlying permafrost

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NCSU BIO 105 - Biosphere

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