IUB AAAD-A 150 - Final Exam Study Guide

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AAAD 150 1nd Edition Exam 3 What was Martin Luther King famous for He was a famous leader in the Civil Rights Movement he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference He also helped organize the March on Washington where he delivered his I have a dream speech He was also famous for his non violent tactics during the Civil Rights Movement Who was A Philip Randolph He felt that there was no opportunity for jobs in the defense industry and advocated for more positions for African Americans and threatened Roosevelt with a huge march Roosevelt didn t want the big scene so he implemented the Executive Order 8802 which increased jobs in the defense industry Who was Paul Robeson He was a singer actor and football player who played a big part in the Civil Rights Movement He also a played part in the Spanish Civil War He put aside his acting performances to advocate the cause of the Republican forces Who was Jo Anne Robinson She refused to give up her seat in the White s only section and the bus driver had verbally abused her and she brought the case to her Women s Political Council but they told her it was a fact of life She succeeded to President of the Council and focused the group effort on buses Who was Robert F Williams He advocated the defense of African Americans during racial tensions and was very into rifles He created a rifle club which became active in defending blacks against the KKK night riders He also integrated the public library and swimming pools in Monroe What was Bebop Jazz A style of jazz characterized by a fast tempo improvisation and harmonic structure It became synonymous to modern jazz It developed as a younger generation of jazz musicians aimed to counter the popular singing style Who was Dorrie Miller He was an African American cook and during the attack on Pearl Harbor he went to the top of the ship and took a shot gun and shot down multiple planes He had a lot of bravery and was awarded the Navy Cross and was seen as a hero What was the March on Washington It was a gathering of many people of different ethnicities and this was where Martin Luther King gave his I have a dream speech It was a march organized by many civil rights organizations the theme was jobs and freedom This march was credited with helping to pass the Civil Rights Act What were the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act Civil Rights Act had outlawed discrimination based on race and racial segregation in schools The powers that were given to enforce this act were initially weak Later on the Voting Rights Act had ended discriminatory voting practices that were practiced in the South This act was signed by President Lyndon Johnson What had caused the Urban Revolts This was when black people had staged a series of revolts and this was due to police brutality increasing segregation and deindustrialization This had all caused unemployment and withdrawal of city services and overall violence What was the Freedom Summer This was a time where Freedom Schools and Freedom Churches were implemented in order to aid African Americans in need of different services It was also a campaign to register as many black voters as possible in MI because MI had initially excluded blacks from voting What kind of effect did the assassination of MLK have on the community Who killed him It brought the end of the idea of non violence being a plausible solution Many people were outraged by his death James Ray was arrested for the crime but was framed by Lloyd Jowers Who created the Black Panther Party and what was their goal Bobby Steele and Huey Newton had created the Black Panther Party They stood for the self defense of African Americans They had guns and were watching the police and challenged police brutality They also created free breakfast programs as well as clinics and schools Who was Shirley Chisholm She was the first African American woman to be elected into the US House of Representatives and she also tried to run for President Black men didn t take her seriously because she was a woman Who was Stokely Carmichael He had advocated for the African Americans to re educate themselves and be proud of their history and to not look to whites for aids or help He also was against the use of the words of n s and other offensive terms Who was Angela Davis She was a professor who worked closely with the Black Panther Party and was arrested for having an armed gun that was registered under her name but it wasn t hers and was released and continued with her activism Who was DJ Kool Herc He was a Jamaican born man who was known as the founder of Hip Hop and was an alternative to violent gang culture What was Rapper s Delight It was the song that first popularized hip hop in the US and around the world It was recorded by the Sugarhill Gang and it was not the first single to feature rapping Who was Harold Washington He was the first African American mayor of Chicago Who was Robert Johnson He was the first African American billionaire and made this income through Black Entertainment television and many other companies

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