TAMU GENE 301 - Final Exam Study Guide
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GENE 301 1nd Edition Final Exam Six loci defined by using micro arrays 8 or more of the alleles at these six loci are of the contributing variety An upper case letter indicates an allele contributing to the occurrence of PRA and lower case letter indicates a non contributing allele If the following genotypes of a male and female respectively are crossed what is the probability the first offspring will have PRA 8 or more contributing alleles Assume all loci are autosomal and independent from each other AaBbccDDEeFf and AABbCCDdeeff 8 3 5 or more 6 Heterozygotes being the top number 6 1 6 1 0 6 1 5 1 1 6 0 2 2 5 1 2 2 The height of the seed head in wheat is determined by polgenic loci The shortest known is just 9in while the tallest 33in A 9 in is crossed to a 33 in The F1 plants are 21in The F1 is inbred A range of plants from 9in to 33in is produced In the F2 9in comprise 1 256 of the plants 33in comprise 1 256 plants How many different loci are involved in seed heights 1n 1 n 4 4 256 What is the contribution per allele range 33 9 3 inches 2N 8 The large and small ribosome subunits are brought together At a start sequence on the mRNA Both apricot colored eyes and tan colored eyes are recessive A tan eyed fly is crossed to apricot The resulting F1 all had apricot eyes F2 had ratio of 3 1 apricot to tan Apricot and tan are Alleles of one locus Petau s syndrome is an XYY chromosome constitution with 47 chromosomes The syndrome is caused by non disjunction of the chromosomes during meiosis In which sex and in which division did this non disjunction occur in chromosomally normal parents to produce this syndrome Male second Some chemicals that are not mutagens nevertheless increase the freq of cancer They are called promoters of cancer Alcohol is one of these Why do such chemicals increase the chance of cancer They cause cells to initiate the division cycle The phenotypic sex of an XO individual in Drosophila and an X O individual in humans are Not the same Antisense double stranded RNA sequences affect gene expression by inhibiting the translation of specific messages Why is radium of great concern to those with radiation safety It breaks down into radon which contaminates both air and water supplies It is often carelessly discarded and left as waste material after uranium mining Cementa dn masonry used for housing construction often contain radium Radon is a powerful emitter of alpha betta and gamma radiation If you wanted to make human vasopressin a blood pressure regulating peptide in bacteria which of the following would be the BEST source of a gene seq to be transferred to the bacteria so that it can make active vasopressin from it Obtain mRNA specific for vasopressin then make DNA complementary to the message By treating with mutagenic chemicals or radiation it is usually possible to reverse or correct a mutant seq What type of mutation would be required to correct a transition mutation Transition If the product of using whole DNA and the PCR technique and using a labeled primer that binds 80 different places in the genome and an unlabeled 4 base primer is then run on a gel only one of the following statements about the bands produced is true If you have a particular band one or the other of your parents will have it When crossovers occur on chromosomes during meiosis what is the property of the chromosome mechanism that assures that the crossover will occur at exactly the same place on each of the two homologous chromatids thus allowing a crossover to occur without loss or gain of genetic material from either chromatid The base pairing of DNA utilizing hydrogen bonds in a heteroduplex is responsible for alignment In carnations Red pigment RR is incomplete dom to white rr Rr is pink In random mating field 92 plants were red 178 pink 80 white What is the best estimate of the allele frequency for the red allele in this pop Total 350 92 RR 178 Rr divide by two to get the one allele 89 92 89 0 517 350 Two horses of the genotype WwOoBb are crossed At what frequency is a brown painted horse expected W is homozygous lethal O is homozygous lethal B is dom brown the dominant at the white locus masks paint phenotype which is the O Ww is 2 4 but becomes 2 3 ww is but becomes 1 3 WW is but is lethal so it is crossed off changing the other fractions The same applies to OO Also since W masks paint we want ww 1 2 3 3 3 4 A certain recessive allele a exists in the population at a frequency of 0 6 The dom allele has a gene freq of 0 4 A breeder decides to select against the recessive trait and is moderately successful at doing so W22 0 3 What will be the allele frequency of the recessive after one generation of slection 2 q w 22 pq w 12 q 2 p w 11 2 pq w 12 q2 w 22 2 6 3 6 4 2 4 2 6 4 62 3 In one fishing village the allele freq of webbed feed it 0 15 This dom Trait causes affected individuals to have extra skin between each of their toes Assume the village is the entire breeding pop and that the pop is in Hardy Weinberg equil What is the freq of individuals in this village that have webbed feet p 15 q 85 2 p 2 pq 0225 2 15 85 2775 Definitions Walking DNA this process uses segments of one DNA library to identify adjacent segments in another DNA library Taq this is an enzyme similar to E coli DNa polymerase 1 but capable of withstanding boiling temperatures MicrohumansMicro arrays utilize a property of DNA which involves the hybridization or stickiness of DNA to its complement SNPs can most often by detected by this technique PCR a quick way to amplify a small segment of DNA relies on Taq SOS error prone Nitro cellulose used to absorb the single stranded DNA eluted from a DNA electrophoresis gel in a southern blot Southern blot this technique is used to transfer the DNA from an electrophoretic gel to a nitrocellulose membrane FISH method used to determine the location of a DNA segment on a chromosome Recombinant DNA when bacterial plasmid DNA is joined to human DNA this is the resulting DNA RNA polymerase enzyme that binds to the promoter site PCR fingerprint chosen labeled primer and return primer influence results A primer that binds many different places in the genome produces many different bands on an electrophoresis gel many different fingerprints can be made by varying the secondary primer Photolyase one type of DNA repair of thymine dimmers that requires no DNA synthesis uses this enzyme Dideoxythymidine compound used in preparing a sequence gel only for DNA run in the …

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TAMU GENE 301 - Final Exam Study Guide

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